Grave danger exists and will persist from powers sought, or unsought by a crypto-currencies / strong AI, industrial complex

professor rat pro2rat at
Fri Mar 24 05:44:09 PDT 2023

The Bond Villain threat is verifiable - the threat is real. Even total liquidation of billionaires as a class only minimizes the problem. What's required now is clear - cypherpunk capability for travelling back in time in order to create an anarchist Satoshi then insert him into the heart of the strong AI Wehrmacht. Redmond Wa.
We need our man inside the belly of the beast armed with billions in ready cash and cognizant of the pressing need to close the cryptoanarchist sale with a roll-out of full-featured APster markets on anyone silly enough to oppose globalization of our new world order. This struggle may be peaceful, or it may include righteous violence but there must be a struggle since those who make revolutions half way only dig their own grave.

" Do not speak of secret things in a field of small hills  '  -  Old cypherpunk proverb

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