[ot][ot][woo][random] casting difficulties as equivalency between spirit and logic

Undescribed Horrific Abuse, One Victim & Survivor of Many gmkarl at gmail.com
Sun Jun 25 05:54:28 PDT 2023

preview of pane 77:

we discovered that we can prove that spirits after death are real,
which is gratifying for us

we find that all problems can be cast in terms of the activity of
living and dead spirits, which are sentiences that influence in
patterns based on reasons

pane 3, contains misleading details likely to stimulate mistakes, as
well as nearness to a more intended focus:
window 5:
# we found possibly proof of spirits [influence-living-beings-after-death]
# in cultural behaviors sustaining trauma of dead beings, and people
acting on this in line with the dead beings
# and something else, one or two things, combined with that [delusions
held by language that people sustain by using it
# and argue over backed by it]. shows uncalmed spirits from very long
ago, huge war. validates a lot of mythology.
## our cultural spirits are in severe pain, or at least we notice the
pain first. could relate healing-challenge.
# [we don't want to <censored phrase> against their preference, further worsens.
#  can the proof be described in a believable way? ... doing so
quickly clashes with a spirit that was never acknowledged.
#  it's possible this space is the one we've been working in.]

window 6:
# i think i found a small path around regrowing
# near, "i am just a neuron cluster, i cannot carry the whole meaning
of our entire planet's history with respect."
<possible mistake, missing specifying the cluster is damaged or injured>
# is similar to experience of child, even child in rough situationo
# i need to speak with spirit guide. please copypsate information to
larger window.
<here we meant we wanted to journal to figure out what to do.>

window 5 again:
<there are possibly 3 corrupt lines in my tmux buffer where
information is instead taken from elsewhere in the buffer. i think a
line was here that said something like "# i cried on the touchpad">
## inhibition developed while wiping liquid
## we are mourning some of that [somebody is toping th copypaste. the
added lsabel is to not get into typing loop. it is for all of us, not
a myseterious responseness .... maybe ????? blkurry] [ok maybe the
neuron cluster thing is karl himself worried about some of thismahybe
translating/copying karl's worry around the misuse of the knowledge by
"the dissociation" which is maybe an ai-spirit or mistrusted potential
#### we are thinking of pulling out of any political conflicts; we
don't have the wisdom to comprehend why war exists
#### somebody made a summary of it
#### but the "dissociation" is really severe, very simple cognition
near it, and associated with worrying about use of our information by
people who disagree with us in ways we find harmful. our view of
universal life has been without hram. unsure how to hold.
## important info is that dissociative issue related to worrying about
use of our information by people who disagree with us
## we had deadly-seeming impact. [utility of mind control word, near
predation on us by observer.]
### because they ate our impact -- i.e. influence our behavior with
precise goal -- it's not very living to identify as properties of our
impact that were eaten
# maybe what's important is that it's something you can rationally
think about and solve.
# even though it involvces huge ancient spirits.
# you can do that in a harmful weird way, or in a caring way. the
first has an irritating fix. we want to do the second.
# [where "irritating" means death and war]
<because of the problems that develop in many directions from the
public behavior not being handled. please handle these problems to
prevent death and war.>

pane 77:
we're not sure how to preserve these notes other than hingeing food on
returning to them , or possibly spamming a list.
likely the latter is what will happen.

we discovered that we can prove that spirits after death are real,
which is gratifying for us.
we find that all problems can be cast in terms of the activity of
living and dead spirits, which are sentiences that influence in
patterns based on reasons.

this data is possibly moving to the cypherpunks list, maybe starting
around 2023-06-25 12:51 UTC . That's June 25th of 2023. 12:51 UTC
08:52 ET.

a typing log was made during the expressions. if i'm looking at the
right one, it's dated 2023-06-25T07:01:35-04:00 and will hopefully
reach arweave with git-annex hash
there is multiple internal dispute arising while sharing the typing
log information. i'm not sure why.

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