1984: Thread

grarpamp grarpamp at gmail.com
Sun Jun 11 14:02:28 PDT 2023

https://en.wikipedia.org › wiki › Ponerology
Ponerology - Wikipedia
Ponerology. In theology, ponerology (from Greek πονηρός ponērós,
"evil") is the study of evil. Major subdivisions of the study are the
nature of evil, the origin of evil, and evil in relation to the Divine
Government. [1]

https://www.merriam-webster.com › dictionary › ponerology
Ponerology Definition & Meaning - Merriam-Webster
ponerology: [noun] a branch of theology dealing with the doctrine of
evil — compare hamartiology.

https://www.amazon.com ›
Political-Ponerology-Science-Psychopathy-Totalitarianism › dp ›
Political Ponerology: The Science of Evil, Psychopathy, and the Origins ...
>From the darkness of past regimes, Political Ponerology brings you the
keys to understanding and protecting yourself from today's
spellbinding ideologues, and tomorrow's dictators. This new edition
has been extensively revised and expanded, the translation improved
and annotated with the latest supporting research, examples, and new

https://en.wikipedia.org › wiki › Political_ponerology
Political ponerology - Wikipedia
Political ponerology is a concept popularized by Polish psychiatrist
Andrzej Łobaczewski. Łobaczewski advocated using the fields of
psychology, sociology, philosophy, and history to account for such
phenomena as aggressive war, ethnic cleansing, genocide, and

Ponerology and Mass Gaslighting
Sott.net Interview with Andrew Lobaczewski Author of Political Ponerology
The Root of Evil - POLITICAL PONEROLOGY - by Andrew Lobaczewski - Chapter One
Emotional Intelligence or Behaviorial Control? (part 1)
Pseudo-realities, Psychopathy and the Origins of Totalitarianism
Woke Revolution, Mass Hysteria, and the Fourth Turning
Bilderberg: the systemic conspiracy: Estulin
Part 2, WORLD Special Report: Confessions of a Dangerous Man Frank Terpil

Political Ponerology | Harrison Koehli | Substack
Harrison is the editor of Political Ponerology by Andrew M.
Lobaczewski." Winston Smith, Escaping Mass Psychosis "Through both his
video show, MindMatters, as well as his editing and release of the new
edition of Political Ponerology, Harrison has been fighting the good
fight, bringing to wider attention the dangers of pathocracy.

https://www.survivorshandbook.com › wp-content › articles ›
Political Ponerology - Survivor's Handbook
POLITICAL PONEROLOGY 9 On a personal level, our lives are steadily
deteriorating. The air we breathe and the water we drink is polluted
almost be-yond endurance. Our foods are loaded with substances which
contribute very little to nourishment and may, in fact, be injuri-ous
to our health. Stress and tension have become an accepted

https://twitter.com › JDHaltigan › status › 1667254155298197516
J.D. Haltigan, PhD 🏒👨‍💻 on Twitter: "New for subscribers: Book Review ...
New for subscribers: Book Review: Political Ponerology, by @JDHaltigan
This work is essential reading to grasp what is happening all around
us in this current moment

https://www.thepostil.com ›
Political Ponerology And The Rise Of Totalitarianism In The West
The History of Political Ponerology. In the years after the imposition
of communism on the countries of Eastern and Central Europe in the
late 1940s, a group of scientists—primarily Polish, Hungarian, and
Czech—secretly collaborated on a scientific study of the nature of
totalitarianism. Blocked from meaningful contact with the West, their

https://www.bibliotecapleyades.net › sociopolitica › sociopol_ponerology01.htm
Political Ponerology - A Science on The Nature of Evil Adjusted for ...
Political Ponerology is shocking in its clinically spare descriptions
of the true nature of evil. It is poignant in its more literary
passages revealing the immense suffering experienced by the
researchers contaminated or destroyed by the disease they were
studying. Political Ponerology is a study of the founders and
supporters of oppressive ...

https://www.dictionary.net › ponerology
What is the definition of Ponerology? | Dictionary.net
Ponerology - pon-[=e]-rol'[=o]-ji, n. (theol.) the doctrine of
wickedness. [Gr. pon[=e]ros, bad.]

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