Victory has a thousand Vaders

Undescribed Horrific Abuse, One Victim & Survivor of Many gmkarl at
Tue Jul 18 01:48:54 PDT 2023

On 7/18/23, pro2rat at <pro2rat at> wrote:
> CypherPunk 2023 - who could have producted!

Confusing event that crosses boundaries? url ends in .com, uses
centralized hosting infrastructure + javascript. says it focuses on
web3 i.e. dapps. looks like a real event.

> Failure is an Organa file
> Cypherpunk ethics is captured by the normative cypherpunk slogan “privacy
> for the weak, transparency for the powerful.” Cypherpunk epistemology is a
> form of data activism that calls for a hands-on response to the datafication
> of surveillance and relies upon both pro-active (transparency) and
> ­re-active (privacy) strategies. While the cypherpunks are famously
> concerned about privacy, because cypherpunk philosophy also calls for
> “transparency for the powerful,” cypherpunks have practiced a distinctive
> form of cypherpunk sousveillance. By understanding that cypherpunk theory
> and practice . . . "

Really heartening and grounding quote, thanks.

This second older paper regarding Assange came up in search results,
not certain why. Connecting wikileaks to the quote is interesting,
reminds of the recent post on leaving from dal (dal mentioned to me
privately of briefly resubscribing to share the newer article then
unsubscribing) regarding wikileaks change in public behavior.

Wikileaks is like a non-sequitor, and I'm sorry about that.

Regarding this, the apparent new public behavior of wikileaks seems
similar to behaviors of organizations after falling apart after
controversial publicity. If it was (likely) coopting, infiltration,
network redirection, etc driven by one or more spy agencies, it's
notable to have the display on the global stage of such a well-known
It's also possible that dal and i are ourselves experiencing these
things, resulting in us receiving different behaviors of public
organizations due to something intercepting or influencing our media
and websites.

> cypherpunks were a highly educated, mostly libertarian community permeated
> by aspects of anarchism which arose from a societal disaffiliation inherited
> from the counterculture. This article further argues that the cypherpunks
> were also influenced by the hacker ethic and dystopian science fiction.

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