USA 2024 Elections Thread

grarpamp grarpamp at
Mon Nov 21 16:27:47 PST 2022

Is The American Pendulum Swinging Back To Reason? Maybe, But It Will
Be A Long Fight

It should be considered an embarrassment for the states and districts
involved, but the 2022 midterm elections are still being counted as I
write this. In some cases, ballot drop boxes, mail-in ballots and
“malfunctioning” voting machines have created a suspicious fog of
uncertainty, and the uncertainty always seems to work in the favor of
the political left.

Needless to say, some kind of change needs to happen – The majority of
Americans are aware that ongoing trends of national deconstruction
cannot be allowed to continue. Even the people that refrain from
voting are watching the elections, just to see if the momentum of the
country has shifted even a little. And, many people who tend to
refrain are on the independent/libertarian side of things.

Times change and circumstances evolve, even if some people are too
bitter or jaded to see it. The old guard Neocons trained in the
Chicago school by Leo Strauss along with the acolytes of Irving
Kristol are losing favor among conservative voters and many are dying
out. The era of Bush family politics is going extinct; they were never
conservative anyway.

What is left behind is a kind of philosophical stew – A mixture of
libertarians, independents, Republicans and patriots that don’t
necessarily affiliate with every aspect of the GOP but they will vote
for a candidate with a strong stance against the woke propaganda and
globalism of the political left. That’s what they are looking for.

For example, Ron DeSantis and his epic win in Florida shows us that
the GOP is now being forced to address real conservative issues and
concerns, whether they like it or not. Because if they want to win big
like DeSantis they will have to start promoting the same policies and
arguments as DeSantis. Republican candidates that don’t will not
succeed, at least nowhere near the same level.

Many people assume that Trump was the impetus for this new wave of
conservatives which has abandoned the Neocon coup. But in reality, the
wave started at least a decade ago and we are only now beginning to
see the results. Trump rode the wave, he didn’t create it.

Despite the claims of the mainstream media, there was indeed a red
wave this year, but at the state level and in terms more subtle.

I consider keeping my own state red a matter of urgency. Montana
conservatives recently witnessed what happens when we get lazy about
voting leftists out of power. Our governor at the beginning of the
covid event was Steve Bullock, a Democrat posing as a “middle of the
road” pro-gun, pro-freedom guy. But when the federal government’s
calls for mandates hit, Bullock followed right along with all other
blue state politicians in trying to enforce unconstitutional
restrictions and was incredibly malicious towards groups questioning
such policies.

In 2020, we booted him out of office and most Democrats along with
him. We learned our lesson – Keep the state red because in the event
of crisis these people will exploit the situation to steal power and
assert dominance.

I’ve had a lot of folks tell me over the years that voting is
irrelevant and that conservative leaders at the state and county level
would fold and submit to the whims of the feds when the time came for
our liberties to be stripped away. These people were wrong.

The time did come; the pandemic was the perfect opportunity for
establishment authoritarians to take all that was left of our freedoms
forever. They certainly tried with all the tools available to them,
including the controlled corporate media, big tech social media
platforms, federal bureaucracy, etc. We passed within a short breath
of full-spectrum tyranny.

The covid cult failed and they failed because red states across the
country refused to comply, from the voters to the politicians.
Conservative state leaders did not “fold” as many predicted, which
means there is a chance to fight back on a level beyond defending our
front porches with guns in hand.

At the very least, the actions of red states have bought us more time,
and that is a precious commodity in an era of quickly escalating
crisis. The situation is not quite as dire as I believed many years
ago, and not as definitive as many liberty activists believe now. The
end is not nigh. Our efforts are having an effect.

Am I putting blind faith in the elections? No. But there is valuable
information to be derived from the elections and some of it tells a
story of a country battling back from the brink of progressive
insanity. Here are just a few factors to consider after the midterms:
Conservatives Were Out In Force

While the media constantly mentions a higher turnout for young voters
this season, the real news is that conservatives had at least 3.5
million more voters overall than Democrats. Since the leftists are so
fond of majority rule, it is interesting to point out the separation
in active voters.

It is also odd that Democrats continue to declare “victory” in 2022
given they lost control of the House of Representatives. How can they
declare a win when they came out the other side of the election with
less than they had before?
Florida Sweep

Ron DeSantis crushed leftists in Florida based on a very vocal
anti-woke, anti-establishment platform. He proved that this is what
Americans want. Not middle of the road, not riding the fence or trying
to be diplomatic, but remaining steadfast and uncompromising in the
face of irrational zealotry and underhanded agendas.

Some people in the liberty movement have their complaints about
DeSantis, but what I’m looking at is results and he has done more to
stop the woke agenda in his state than any other state in the country.
He also stood firm against covid authoritarianism. Results are what
matter most.
The “Blue Invasion” Threat Was A Lie

All the wailing and screaming I heard over the past two years about
leftists relocating into red states during covid and changing the
demographics was complete nonsense. I’ve been saying since the
pandemic began – Leftists don’t move away from their hive and they
aren’t taking over red states, at least not in the past few years. The
latest midterms prove that the fear of “blue invasion” was pure
paranoia. If anything, in Montana we saw far more conservatives
escaping blue states to live somewhere they felt was safe.

After this election I don’t want to hear another half-baked theory
about the Dems turning Texas or Florida or other strong red states to
the dark side.
The Abortion “Blue Wave” Never Happened

Remember after the Supreme Court decision overturning Roe v. Wade the
number of media outlets proclaiming that conservatives would be
destroyed during the elections? Apparently, average Americans are not
as concerned with the “right” to kill babies as they had assumed.
States that have moved to ban abortion are not facing a blue wave and
these laws will most likely remain in place.

This fact upends a long running narrative in the mainstream than any
attempt to stop abortion is doomed to failure and that any political
candidate that supports banning abortion would be soundly defeated.
The narrative was merely a scare tactic to create a false consensus.
Ballot Harvesting And Mail-In Options Always Favor Democrats

One could debate the reasons why, but the Democrat tactic of relying
on non-traditional voting methods always works in their favor. There
is also the issue of potential voter fraud when it comes to mail-in
ballots and ballot harvesting, as we are currently seeing investigated
by the Attorney General of Arizona. The only way to be sure that such
sabotage does not occur is to do what Florida did and require most
voters to appear at polls in person.

In battleground states where this is not an option, it would seem that
conservatives are going to have to learn the ballot harvesting game
that Democrats play and use the tactic against them.
Americans Place The Economy Above All Other Concerns

Regardless of how the elections pan out, public polling before the
midterms consistently revealed that the majority of Americans are
worried about inflation and economic decline above all else, and the
social issues that leftists typically run on are at the bottom of the

This means that the longer the economic crisis goes on the more Dems
in power will be questioned about their solutions. It is perhaps
ironic that leftists are so keen to hold onto government control when
they are only going to continue to take the bulk of the blame for the
continuing economic fallout.

They have no plan, and they don’t intend to do anything about it
except spend more money they don’t have, which is what caused the
crisis in the first place. At least conservative candidates are
acknowledging the threat; leftists still refuse to admit the threat

I believe the economic danger will continue to grow, and there is
little that can be done about it with Democrats still clinging to the
Senate and with Biden in the White House. Which means the work will
fall to individual states to protect themselves from the shock. I
suspect that in the end red states will survive while blue states

Is our cultural pendulum swinging back to reason? Yes, I see signs of
it everywhere, but the fight ahead is going to be long and arduous.
It’s not just the globalists that we have to contend with, it’s the
woke activists and useful idiots within our population that need to be
diminished. It took decades for us to get to the terrible spot we are
in as a society and it will most likely take decades to get us out of
it. That said, there is hope. Over time this fight can be won and
there a many millions of us at the ready.

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