Fox News: Russia shown only some cybercapabilities, but US has quantum computing answer to possible threats

jim bell jdb10987 at
Sat May 7 00:19:44 PDT 2022

Fox News: Russia shown only some cybercapabilities, but US has quantum computing answer to possible threats.

Russia has not shown its full cyberwarfare capabilities, but the U.S. should remain confident in its own cyber defense, experts told Fox News Digital. 

"I think that the concern is that they may have capabilities that we don't know about," Matt Stamford, Cybersecurity Expert and Founder of OccamSec, said. "And until such point, as they need to use them, we may never know."

Much of the conversation regarding Russia’s invasion of Ukraine has understandably focused on the physical siege and assault on Kyiv, Mariupol and other cities, but the cyberwar started before any Russian troops stepped foot in Ukraine. 

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