Meta (FB) Logo and Moscow Stock Exchange Logo - Chromostereopsis

Gunnar Larson g at
Thu Mar 24 09:33:35 PDT 2022

Shawn's comment, " Different colors, and the corners are rounded in Meta's
logo. Far from a striking similarity, if you ask me."

Good point, but this can be explained by science:

*Moscow Stock Exchange*

*Meta's (Facebook) logo,seemingly is a shocker*:

*Chromostereopsis* is a visual illusion
<> whereby the impression of depth
<> is conveyed in
two-dimensional <> color
images, usually of red-blue or red-green colors, but can also be perceived
with red-grey or blue-grey images.[1]
 Such illusions <> have been reported
for over a century and have generally been attributed to some form of chromatic
aberration <>.[3]
[7] <>

Chromostereopsis is usually observed using a target with red and blue bars
and an achromatic <> background. Positive
chromostereopsis is exhibited when the red bars are perceived in front of
the blue and negative chromostereopsis is exhibited when the red bars are
perceived behind the blue.[8]
<> Several models
have been proposed to explain this effect which is often attributed to
longitudinal and/or transverse chromatic aberrations.[6]
recent work attributes most of the stereoptic effect to transverse
chromatic aberrations in combination with cortical factors.[1]
[7] <>

*Gunnar Larson - <> | <>*
- Digital Currency
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