[spam][julia][wrong] Probabilistic Program Synthesis?

Undiscussed Horrific Abuse, One Victim of Many gmkarl at gmail.com
Tue Mar 8 07:04:16 PST 2022

This might be one for python, which I am actually familiar with, unlike julia.

It doesn't quite look like it is designed for ease of prototyping, unsure.



PAYNT (Probabilistic progrAm sYNThesizer) is a tool for the automated
synthesis of probabilistic programs. PAYNT takes a program with holes
(a so-called sketch) and a PCTL specification (see below for more
information), and outputs a concrete hole assignment that yields a
satisfying program, if such an assignment exists. Internally, PAYNT
interprets the incomplete probabilistic program as a family of Markov
chains and uses state-of-the-art synthesis methods on top of the model
checker [Storm](https://github.com/moves-rwth/storm) to identify
satisfying realization. PAYNT is implemented in python and uses
[Stormpy](https://github.com/moves-rwth/stormpy), python bindings for
Storm. This repository contains the source code of PAYNT along with
adaptations for Storm and Stormpy, prerequisites for PAYNT. PAYNT is
hosted on [github](https://github.com/gargantophob/synthesis).

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