[spam][julia][wrong] Probabilistic Program Synthesis?

Undiscussed Horrific Abuse, One Victim of Many gmkarl at gmail.com
Tue Mar 8 04:15:44 PST 2022

The first thing you think when reading about julialang is probably
along the lines of, "oh i could totally make a hyperintelligent
computer virus that took over the world, with that". Imagine crowds
and crowds of engineers thinking this.

Well, I websearched for "julia function synthesis", and lo and behold,
it's in the standard library.

Or maybe they just centralise the docs for the package repository, I'm not sure.


I'll read this while typing it into this email, so that I might get
farther. It sounds cool.

Note: It may be productive to focus on speeding the crafting of tests.
Additionally, the function generator does not yet consolidate and
optimize its result.


This is the documentation for the Synthesizer.jl program synthesis
system. [ https://github.com/femtomc/Synthesizer.jl ]

The goal of this package is to provide a set of interfaces for
probabilistic program synthesis via sketching. he hope is to faciliate
research into probabilistic program synthesis, as well as provide a
pipeline to optimize synthesized programs as IR fragments, before
compilation into a method body in Julia.

The idea behind sketching is to provide a high-level skeleton of the
program (or function) you want to synthesize. This high-level skeleton
contains a number of "holes" which the synthesizer should fill with an
expression or function.

Let's say we wanted to synthesize a sorting program.

function sort!(x::Array{T}) where T <: Number
    while !check(x)
        x = hole(array_operation, x)
    return x

Here, I've provided the high-level structure of the function (e.g.
control flow) but I've also inserted a hole, and I'm telling the
synthesizer what sort of hole it should be (an array_operation
function, which acts on x). array_operation is defined by a miniature

@lang (array_operation) _1 expr = begin
    0.20 => swap!(_1)
    0.20 => reorder(_1)
    0.20 => swap_head!(_1)
    0.20 => swap_tail!(_1)
    0.20 => reverse(_1)

This DSL is probabilistic - the numbers on the left-hand side
correspond to probability of selection by the synthesizer.
Furthermore, we've specified that holes of array_operation take in a
single argument (here, by specifying _1 before defining the expr of
type array_operation).

In our high-level program, we've cheated a bit by providing a way for
the program to determine if it's sorted the list correctly. The
function check checks if the array satisfies the sorted condition.

function check(x::Array{T}) where T <: Number
    length(x) == 1 && return true
    i = x[1]
    for j in x[2 : end]
        if !(i < j)
            return false
        i = j
    return true

To summarize: in Synthesizer.jl, the user writes small probabilistic
DSLs (specifically, probabilistic context-free grammars) which can
then be used inside holes in other functions. The process of synthesis
is expressed using a universal trace-based probabilistic programming
system. [ https://github.com/femtomc/Jaynes.jl ]

The core of the engine is a multi-threaded rejection sampler.

function synthesize(sel::Array{K}, fn::Function, pair::T; iters = 50)
where {K <: Jaynes.ConstrainedSelection, T <: Tuple}
    in, out = pair
    success = Jaynes.CallSite[]
    Threads. at threads for s in sel
        for i in iters
            ret, cl, w = generate(s, fn, in)
            out == ret && push!(success, cl)
    return success

function synthesize(fn::Function, pairs::Array{T}; iters = 50) where T <: Tuple
    local cls
    constraints = [selection()]
    for p in pairs
        cls = synthesize(constraints, fn, p; iters = iters)
        cls == nothing && return cls
        constraints = map(cls) do cl
    return cls

Here, synthesize requires that the user pass in a function with holes,
as well as pairs of (input, output) tuples. generate generates a set
of possible solutions. This version of synthesize will return an Array
of successful traces (if the search succeeds). The CallSite
representation is a trace of the original function, as well as a
recording of the choices made by the PCFG.

In future versions, Synthesizer.jl will support the ability to compile
these traces into IR and generate a new (optimized) method body for
the synthesized function.

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