Assassination Politics

jim bell jdb10987 at
Thu Mar 3 21:21:58 PST 2022

On Thu, Mar 3, 2022 at 8:41 PM, grarpamp<grarpamp at> wrote:US Sen Graham calls for Putin Assassination...

I'm glad, almost exactly 27 years after the Part 1 of my Assassination Politics essay publication
 on the Cypherpunks email list (Feb 14, 1995, but the archive for 1995 has since been forged to conceal nearly all reference to it) that people are finally awakening to the extreme advantages of killing a few hundred to a few thousand politicians around the world, rather than millions of ordinary people in a nuclear war.  I hope this realization is not too late, for the latter group.
What Senator Graham, and perhaps all other politicians, do not realize is that my AP  solution, however effective it was going to be, was never going to be pain-free: It will get rid of all politicians, either by forced resignation or far worse.
Jim Bell

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