Morning Spam

Karl Semich 0xloem at
Mon Jun 13 05:30:37 PDT 2022


A bunch of cyborg zombies are dancing in the middle of the streets.

A passerby looks on.

Passerby: "Hum, I saw this in media, guess it's reality now."

Zombie [dancing]: "Yeah! Zombies! Yeah!"

Passerby [to Zombie]: "Why are you all dancing about zombieism?"

Zombie [to Passerby]: "Oh because we _love being_ " [gags a little] "
oh my god I can still gag! Oh my god. I have secret for you. I'm about
to forget it so listen hard: _we hate being zombies_ and dancing in
celebration of it is the only way to handle it."

Passerby: "Oh! You're going to dance for a while then?"

Zombie: "Is there a dance you like?"

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