How a dog's brain may help solve the mystery of Canadian diplomats' Cuban nightmare | Ottawa Citizen

Karl Semich 0xloem at
Tue Jun 7 10:28:49 PDT 2022

On 6/7/22, Gunnar Larson <g at> wrote:

The article is part of a 4-part series focusing on Canadian diplomats
who were at the Havana embassy incident.

It includes information new to this community. I read it, but I did
not read the other 3 parts.

I noted these items:
- the canines of the diplomats also experienced behavioral changes,
and part of one of the canine brains is being studied
- the researchers have uncovered much more about the injuries and do
not understand a cause
- one of the things they uncovered was that all of the victims' brain
MRIs showed increased bleeding from capillaries

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