Daily Mail: Fibre-optic cables may be used to eavesdrop up to 1km away, study says

grarpamp grarpamp at gmail.com
Sat Jul 30 00:49:00 PDT 2022

> https://www.dailymail.co.uk/sciencetech/article-11057699/Fibre-optic-cables-used-eavesdrop-1km-away-study-says.html

re different form of eavesdropping that is actually being
used right now today globally against everyone...

Simple inexpensive tech needed to do automatic fulltime line rate
per-link strong encryption and padding, on every circuit between two
physical ports, globally around the world, in every Fiber RF Copper NIC MAC,
transparently to the user, has existed for over 20 years.
Yet no Tier-n ISP, no user-edge provider, no NIC manufacturer,
no software or OS... has rolled it out and published it for use.
Literally no one is talking about it, there's probably not even
an RFC proposal for it, except here.

Wonder why? Here's a hint...

"Tor Stinks  -- NSA"

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