The only networked governance worth spit is anarchist

professor rat pro2rat at
Wed Jul 13 22:49:40 PDT 2022

The coming cryptoanarchy is already emerging with crypto-currencies and, although I can't be too prescriptive about whats next - no anarchist can  - here are some benchmarks I'll be looking to hit before this decade is out.
 Like collapse of all ancien regime governments including all large religions and all large corporates - the center cannot hold - more anarchy is loosed - you know. 
The minimum program. No extended ' dual power ' situation. Not now. Not after 30 net years.
Also a global UBI starting at 5K and floating in line with global GDP.
Also a replacement of freehold with native and leasehold land titles.
A global move towards jury trials. Globalized healthcare as a basic human and civil right.
This is what rapid-evolution looks like. Accept no substitutes. Tar and Feather all carpet-baggers. See on the other side.

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