Anonymity politics

professor rat pro2rat at
Mon Jul 11 13:02:15 PDT 2022

While anonymity is not required for Assassination Politics, APster-style, nor even any encryption outside of routine internet marketing, its sometimes still asserted that it is.
This demonstrates ignorance of the full AP essay and that ignorance is regularly displayed in corpse media story after story. 
Its hard to make someone understand something anarchist when their corporate role dictates they misunderstand it.
All that aside anonymity remains a core cypherpunk demand for crypto-anarchy.
We have to go dark - we will go dark and - ' don't be afraid of the dark '.
Its still a necessity even after every fascist regime on earth has been liquidated since assholes like Mollusk and the NSA are continually busy trying to get intelligent alien species out there to kill us all as a legit threat to them. 
We can't let just one of those bastards in here, even as, realistically speaking they will penetrate our best defenses sooner or later. 
Cryptoanarchism provides the best known operating system for adapting subnets of humanoid explorers to set off safely for the stars.  We may not all make it - but some of us will make it.
Now I'm going beyond second-order issues so to return to globalized anonymity as first item on our agenda.
Yes, this spells trouble in the forms of the four horsemen - mainly the pedo-guy.
But society will always defend its children and I'm confident - especially once APster is up and running - we will continue that tradition.  This will be in the spirit of that old cypherpunk proverb that cryptoanarchists are ' all about privacy for the poor and transparency for the powerful '.
Yours in global anarchist revolution - pr

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