[spam] [personal] perceiver model notes

k gmkarl at gmail.com
Tue Jan 18 07:27:43 PST 2022

Figuring out Step 3b: Decoding

            decoder_outputs = self.decoder(
                query=decoder_query, # looks like just trainable parameters
                z=sequence_output, # this are the encoded hidden states
                query_mask=extended_attention_mask, # huh the mask is
maybe applied to the query

# PerceiverBasicDecoder.forward()
layer_outputs = decoding_cross_attention(
  inputs = z
logits = final_layer(layer_outputs[0])
return logits

# __init__
decoding_cross_attention = PerceiverLayer(
  is_cross_attention = True,
  kv_dim = d_latents,
  **kwparams # the rest of the dimensionality configuration is taken
from the call constructing the BasicDecoder
final_layer = nn.Linear(num_channels, output_num_channels)

So, basically the decoder is a cross attention layer just like the
first layer in the encoder.
The "query" is used for the "hidden states" parameter, and the
"inputs" are ferried along to the "inputs" parameter, as if it were an
encoder.  Just like the encoder, trainable parameters are used for the
auxiliary data, and the "inputs" are passed along as the "inputs"

It would be helpful for me at some point to put time into learning the
kqv terminology inside the attention layers.  That would make these
layers less confusing.

Step 3:
Encoded hidden state -> PerceiverBasicDecoder cross attention with
embedding parameters -> PerceiverBasicDecoder linear redimensioning ->
Decoder outputs

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