vaccine nazis and consent

Punk-BatSoup-Stasi 2.0 punks at
Mon Jan 17 23:29:09 PST 2022

	It seems that the Emperors of TrumpoNazism, sorry, I mean the Libertarian Kings 'grarpamp' and bell do not understand the most basic elements of consent. 

	So here are a couple : 

	1) consent and FRAUD are mutually exclusive. When people do something because they are being lied to, as in the case of taking covaids 'vaccines', they are not consenting to being poisoned. They are being manipulated into accepting poisons by means of lies and fraud. There is no consent in sight.

	2) consent and EXTORTION are mutually exclusive. When people are fired from their jobs, put under house arrest, prevented from freely traveling or even entering a fucking bar, they are being  victims of serious crimes, and are being EXTORTED when offered their freedoms back if they accept the poison.  EXTORTION is the opposite of voluntarism.

	3) "age of consent" is the sort of mental vomit that only the worst kind of statist totalitarian can pretend to defend. Consent is wholly depedent on what the agents want to do, not on their age. 

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