Batshit-Crazed antisemitism sucks ass

professor rat pro2rat at
Sat Jan 15 19:29:13 PST 2022

matthewfederman - 3h
The Jews have managed to be in control of the world while also running for our lives from one country to the next over the last few centuries. We really should talk to ourselves about this.
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Eden Dranger
@Eden_Eats · 3h
Just a reminder that anti-Semitic incidents are the most underreported hate crimes by the media and yet people still think us Jews “control the media”.

Jews control all commodity trade according to all self-described Marxists ( like James A. Donald, John Pilger and Tariq Ali )
Karl Marx, Capital, Volume One, Part II: The Transformation of Money and Capital CHAPTER FOUR: THE GENERAL FORMULA FOR CAPITAL: "The capitalist knows that all commodities, however scurvy they may look, or however badly they may smell, are in faith and in truth money, inwardly circumcised Jews

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