Yubikey support for age

Stefan Claas spam.trap.mailing.lists at gmail.com
Mon Jan 10 07:36:48 PST 2022

On Mon, Jan 10, 2022 at 8:24 AM grarpamp <grarpamp at gmail.com> wrote:
> Problem with all these "amazing" hw privkey stores
> is when they fail, which all of them will, especially by
> emp or solar flare or silicon or flash rot, users lose
> access to their keys. Of course the vendors never
> disclose this fact in their advertising spam, none
> of the shillers even grasp it. All the users coin,
> email, etc... gone forever. Nothing beats paper or
> otherwise redundantly and indestructably backed
> up and hidden.

Sure, nothing beats, for example, pencil and paper, when
it comes to unbreakable quantum computer resistant encryption,
when using compromised online devices. *BUT* I was referring
to Yubikeys, because one can purchase many and use them besides
storing a secret key for decryption also for Gmail, Twitter etc. 2FA, which
you can not do with paper, let alone that you can't steal a secret
key on a Yubikey remotely, when your online device is compromised.

And last but not the least nobody is forced to use them.


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