Cryptocurrency: Censorship and Privacy/DEX Coins/Tools Have Problems

grarpamp grarpamp at
Wed Feb 23 18:42:55 PST 2022

In the news...
Privacy Exploits and Full Disclosures, Govt Crackdowns and Brutality...
All of this inspires and drives new advances in crypto privacy and DEX.
Keep up the good work :)

Crypto exchanges hiring hundreds of lawyers worldwide.

"captured" being the key word. Crowdfunding platforms now regulated
under the Canadian Terrorist Financing Act. Do you see where this is
going? Please do not fund causes directly from custodial wallets. I'm
sure freeze orders are coming. Withdraw to non-custodial before
Nayib Bukele 🇸🇻
Are these the people who like to give lessons to other countries about
democracy and freedom? This is one of the top ranking countries in the
“democracy index”? Your credibility on these topics is now worth 0.

Fix the money, fix the world. Thank you for leading by example.
Mandates are immoral. End the madness. Honk Honk! #FreedomConvoy2022
-- Jesse Powell SAT100,000,078 @
2021 Compliance Transparency Report. Total requests up 130% YoY for a
total of 2,453, ~10 per business day. SEC averaged 1 per week. Canada
broke top 10. US down again to 31% of global share but still up 43%
YoY. The pie is growing. Hard to see a startup bearing this high cost.
Sorry, I should have said: Sell all your assets for digital fiat and
make sure to keep it in your on-shore bank account for maximum
convenience to any government seeking to illegally and punitively
confiscate your ability to live. Strength Through Unity, Unity Through
Due process is for plebs. Might makes right in Canada. If someone
dissents, you just confiscate their wealth, revoke their licenses,
exclude them from the financial system and kill their pets. No need to
debate the law, policy or even rights when you have a monopoly on
Deputy PM Chrystia Freeland: "The names of both individuals and
entities as well as crypto wallets have been shared by the RCMP with
financial institutions and accounts have been frozen and more accounts
will be frozen."
100% yes it has/will happen and 100% yes, we will be forced to comply.
If you're worried about it, don't keep your funds with any
centralized/regulated custodian. We cannot protect you. Get your
coins/cash out and only trade p2p.
You’re not necessarily safe just going on-chain. The top reserve
tokens with centralized issuance and redemption, like USDT and USDC
have centralized control of freeze functionality that can be
commandeered as easily as a bank account. Stick to real crypto.

1/ There are no other constitutional rights in substance without
freedom to transact Being meaning to write this for 6 months, but the
Canadian response to the trucker protests is illustrating this so
vividly, that today is the day.

When the backlog of potential enforcement actions is 1000x longer than
what the agency can handle, enforcement, by definition, is
discriminatory. Everybody *could be* in violation of something so the
power is in controlling the sort order of the backlog. Who controls
the sort?
Jeremy Hogan @attorneyjeremy1
I couldn't figure out how the "Twitter-sleuth" evidence of
discriminatory SEC behavior could fit into the Ripple case. So, I
re-read the Fox case and found this article on it and... THERE IT WAS.
In a sense, "discriminatory enforcement" IS evidence of lack of Fair

You know how we psychologically tortured you over the last 2 years,
isolated you from your family, destroyed your business, bankrupted you
and how the only comfort you have left in life is your pet? Well, if
you disagree with us now, we're going to kill your only reason to
Attention animal owners at demonstration If you are unable to care for
your animal as a result of enforcement actions, your animal will
placed into protective care for 8 days, at your cost. After 8 days, if
arrangements are not made, your animal will be considered

Canada is ordering banks to freeze accounts without court order. And
by granting broad immunity, they're formally deputizing financial
institutions as digital police. All pretense of "democracy" is gone.
There's no consent of the governed. It's just wokes vs workers now.
Joe Weisenthal @TheStalwart
It's not just banks. Canada's new dragnet, will encompass basically
every part of the financial system (including securities dealers) in
order to cut off the truckers from funding.…

"Permit me to issue and control the money of a nation, and I care not
who makes its laws!" In the last 2 years we've seen the strategy shift
to redefining words and information warfare. In a world of infinite
info, the feed, ability to boost or bury ideas is the ultimate weapon.

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