Linkedin Full.Torrent

Stefan Claas stefan at
Sat Feb 19 16:51:59 PST 2022

---------- Original Message ----------
On Sun, February 20, 2022 at 12:44 AM,  grarpamp at wrote:
> citizens, no one here was interested

Data on innocent people, in general, is only of use
by govt tyrant politicians to oppress humanity, most
people have no interest in oppressing other humans,
and they're thus reluctant to pick up and share.

Now if the leaks were dumps of govt agents and top-secrets,
dirty corrupt politicians emails meetings calls files money,
dumps of bigcorps known to be shitty corps doing shit
like hiding cancer pollution and helping tyrant pols oppress
people etc, codebreaking secrets, ufo jewels, big toplevel
conspiracies, globalism cabals, etc... there would be huge
interest in all those docs.


And to add to this, if one has useful data to uncover
those things, be careful how to preserve it for later
generations, in case you are surveilled.

> External HD.

Even 10TB drive is relatively inexpensive, plus
another drive to back it up. Everyone should have one
in case something that interest them is announced.

+1 and the emphasis should lie on the external/unplugged
one hidden somewhere in a safe place/environment.


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