Havana Syndrome may be caused by ‘pulsed energy’

Punk-BatSoup-Stasi 2.0 punks at tfwno.gf
Wed Feb 9 12:25:10 PST 2022


	funny how kennedy has the perfect answer for the local pentagon agents (bell, karl, etc)

	"Congressional investigations in the 1970s exposed the CIA’s years of experimentation to develop untraceable poisons and secretive murder tools. CIA scientists, including NIH brain surgeon Maitland Baldwin, working under MKUltra’s director Sidney Gottlieb at Ft. Detrick, concocted a diabolical arsenal of assassination weaponry including beamed radio frequency radiation, pathogenic microbes, and dissipating chemicals, all intended to mimic natural deaths. This armory of toxins gave the agency capacity to assassinate uncooperative foreign leaders while avoiding suspicion. " 

> assassination weaponry including beamed radio frequency radiation  - 1970

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