[spam][crazy][wrong] Trying To Do Stuff

Undiscussed Horrific Abuse, One Victim of Many gmkarl at gmail.com
Tue Feb 8 01:57:19 PST 2022

npm install solc
solcjs --abi MangoRepoInterface.sol
# waits for a wierdly long time to do a very simple task

ParserError: Expected '{' but got 'constant'
  --> MangoRepoInterface.sol:25:37:
25 |     function repoInterfaceVersion() constant returns (uint version);
   |                                     ^^^^^^^^

I went to remix.ethereum.org but the interface is a little slow for my
raspberry pi

eventually responds to ctrl - to shrink text. loading
https://github.com/axic/mango .

nothing seems to happen when i click the import button

i'm now at https://docs.soliditylang.org/en/latest/index.html#getting-started

that isn't loading quickly, now at https://github.com/ethereum/solc-bin

this apparently is a repository of binaries. i guess that likely means
i can just find the binary that compiles this version of solidity
code. maybe. 0456.

stepping away from system to work on other things while that downloads.

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