Cryptocurrency: Bitcoin_Cash BCH Forging Ahead w Adoption First

grarpamp grarpamp at
Sat Feb 5 21:28:16 PST 2022  BCH Progressing

Reaching any value requires adoption first.
A successful cash can store value.
A store that cannot be used is of no value.
Privacy is an inherent thus needed aspect of human nature.
Fermi estimates and free-market economics apply.
Bitcoin-BTC may become the internal plaything of GovBankCorp's
sooner than it becomes a few billion people's weekly tool for freedom.
Look closely at adoption-first focused communities centered
around simple cash-model privacy-capable non-printable
high-tx-rate non-censorable coins such as BCH. And at coins
doing similar and working on the storage space problem.
And of course look at creating and deploying cross-coin
distributed DEX to enable fluid coin migration to the future.

Early days, have fun :)

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