Crypto "pig butchering" scam

grarpamp grarpamp at
Wed Feb 2 02:55:44 PST 2022

On 2/1/22, David Barrett <dbarrett at> wrote:
> which part is bullshit?
> I think that's a pretty heartless position

This coming from the same David Barrett who says
that White Males are only worth $0.75 to the $1.00
that everyone else is worth, thereby heartlessly
trodding down upon the hearts of 1/3 of the people
in his country.

But since he wants more example of bullshit...

Now let's talk about the biggest Online Dating Scam Ever...
the ProgLeftSocComMarx twat that Barrett appears to be
licking and pushing... her name is Chelsea Clinton.
She is raking in hundreds of thousands of dollars per year from
her seat on the Board of Directors of IAC/Match, the plainly
evil corporation that now owns all the big dating sites
serving the USA and much of the western world, but also is
now expanding into buying global dating such as ZhenAI China.
IAC/Match are among the worst of the worst of his Govt approved
and licensed corporations. What they do is collect and store
forever everyone's profiles, pictures, credit cards, IP and billing addresses,
phone numbers, locations, dates and times online, all interactions,
all clickstreams, direct messages, questionairs, and much more,
including the hearts and souls and innermost thoughts, of billion of
human beings, forever. Then they datamine it with cloud AI,
and give and sell it all away on the backside to GovCorp so that it
can then track, preempt, shutdown, jail facial recognized political
protestors, and generally mind control and fuck the population too.
If that wasn't bad enough, they outright lie in their swiss-cheese
fake privacy policies, and brainwash and coddle all their users into
trusting them and thinking the only path to love on this planet is the
one that exists through their sites. Not only that, they propagandize
total FUD, especially to women, to be afraid and distrust everything and
everyone in both online and real life. And they totally FUD bash, derank,
derate, delist, suppress, cancel, censor, and don't even allow people,
who under basic right to human privacy, refuse to post their pictures,
refuse to give up their phone numbers, IP addresses, etc. They don't even
accept any cryptocurrencies for payment, and they block use of privacy
enhancing technologies such as VPN and Tor (which is weird because Tor
is full of lefty socialists just like them). Now not only is Chelsea
surely aware
of Hillary her mom's political hoaxes aka election fraud, she has not said
a single word about those lies and true criminal conspiracies. She's also
married to a Socialist Jew named Mark Mezvinsky. And though it may or may
not be tied to any feature of Judaism, there are a ton of Socialists and Jews
in ownership and upper managment of the entire Leftist Fake News Media
Regime that has been proven guilty of massive censorship and manipulation.
Now Mezvinsky works for Goldman Sachs, which besides mucking
around in the world, is a gigantic bank, and bankers are well known for
funding the bullshit neo-Democrat Regime. And GS itself owns at least 610k
shares of the IAC/Match monopoly, and pimps the stock out to chumps, partly
in order to pay a nanny to change their baby nappies on your dime because you
know that prissy bitch isn't touching any poop, and to raise more money
for brainwashing even more of IAC/Match users into the neo-Democrat trap...
Goldman says to buy online dating stocks Bumble and Match Group, sees
huge upside ahead.
Tinder Employees Sue IAC And Match For Shady Practices
The $2B lawsuit claims Goldman failed to disclose certain conflicts of interest.

Notice also how IAC/Match uses flowery language on its websites
instead of prominently posting the cold hards facts of scams.
Like Tor this is done to preseve the cashflow, not to protect its users,
who would all leave in an an instant if they knew the Truth of what
is going on how they're being used by these dating sites behind
the scenes.

Who knows what lefty socialist Barrett hoped to achieve
by posting this "crypto dating scam", besides propping
IAC/Match, Goldman and their propsteering platforms.

And why does popup never-posting leech Barrett pick this
video, out of millions on hundreds of subjects, to post as
his speshul little contribution to the list this time.

Juan can explain more on that for you.

But let's just say a couple more reasons are probably to bash crypto in
preference of and propping up his beloved DemState and its BankerFiat,
and to bash any sort of concept of right to freedom-of-love among
free peoples aka-non-democrats if that love isn't approved by and doesn't
go through his neo-socialist regulated channels Dem SanFran NYC SiliconValley
websites and socialist-credit scoring system.

> Super interesting video:
> I think it's interesting that the scam is happening on such a widespread scale.

Supposed InfoTech wizard of decades Barrett claims to be
suprised to discover and learn of basic scam facts that the
rest of the IT and online-aware dating world has known for decades.
Yet he's somehow deemed competent to run a Corp. His GovCorp
which steals money from the public via indoctrinating and ordering
his employees to vote for the biggest Democrat tax thieves in history,
so that his Democrats can steal money from people to pay his Corp
to manage the DemGovs and DemEdu's expense accounts which are
then used to fund the stealing and propagandizing of even more money
from people, to pay him... in a circle, a veritable Conspiracy of theft
and more crimes.

And how did this particular youtuber "lose all their money"
when she's sitting on thousand dollar couches, drinking
high wine concoctions poured from pricey containers in a
posh place with art and draperies and insanely expensive
furniture, bedding, kitchen, etc, then flies off across the planet
to go "thrift" shopping in Paris surely buying 100's of Euros more
worth of stuff this "poor" girl who "lost all her money" could dumpster
dive from any grandma's back alley in French Canada...
And she got a dog man to sleep with her at night which
virtually guarantees there won't be a human man there,
her money and man problems are solved, a happy ending.

Scams are old news since thousand of years, and recent decades of
419, VIP, MLM, Amway, Nigerian Prince, etc are nothing new.

These scams happen because the planet let themselves get scammed
into allowing GovCorpSchools to exist, which then indoctrinate
everyone into trusting the GovCorp nanny-state to protect them, which
obviously fails miserably because it can't and that's not its business.
Instead of taking personal responsibility to teach children family and
friends to recognize scams, to DYOR with someone before investing,
put words "whatever thing..." + "scam" "fraud" "sucks" "thieves" etc
into search engine, etc first.

Now just who in all this are the real scammers.

ps: 99.9% of cryptos out there are outright scams, rugpulls,
frauds, clones, shit that has no reason to exist, will cease to
exist in under a year, etc.

pss: You'll have more dating luck and fun asking out random
people at your local grocery, library, church, crypto meetup,
etc than you will online. So go do that, thereby Defunding
her and her SpyVeillance IAC/Match brainwashing group
in the process.

Zeynep said youtube was bullshit and just another
stupid youtuber. But Barrett can't read real diversity,
only woke diversity.

Here's a pig being butchered to make wars politically easier to start
and continue...

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