Don't shoot the armless piano-player

professor rat pro2rat at
Mon Dec 26 23:13:33 PST 2022

Don't shoot the oncoming cybernetics messenger.  For here is yet another case of the Austrian school being made laughing-stocks again. The few dead-enders in there must be gluttons for punishment.  I was walking along the road with two friends – the sun was setting – suddenly the sky turned blood red – I paused, feeling exhausted, and leaned on the fence – there was blood and tongues of fire above the blue-black fjord and the city – my friends walked on, and I stood there trembling with hilarity – and I sensed the internet of things becoming effectively self-conscious. 

Now you don't have to like the idea of NFT's everywhere and associated emergent luxury-communism to realize some practical benefits from this quasi-dystopian, emergent stigmergy.  For example we could give declining entities such as nation-states, religions and large -corporations a cybernetic rating. That is a technical metric of how well they are coping with their loss of command and reach and control.  Sort of like running a deadpool in a hospice. Just the thing to warm the cockles of the hearts of every anarcho-nihilist. 

What say you, Zolgo?  Give us your answer here, oh mighty one!

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