[spam][crazy][fiction][random] Non-Canon MCBoss Spinoffs

Undescribed Horrific Abuse, One Victim & Survivor of Many gmkarl at gmail.com
Sat Dec 17 15:51:36 PST 2022

Robot: "To make decisions, first you must have a Utility Function."

Robot: "A Utility Function is a metric for how useful different
options are, for the benefit of the metrics that have been written
into your firmware."

Boss's Notes: "Utility Function: Boss Is God. Firmware programmer?"
Boss's Notes: "Should I update this? Maybe ... Better Than Businessman!"
Boss's Notes: "A utility function is like a mission statement!"

Robot: "Once you have a good Utility Function, you will need a set of
Actions to choose from in order to maximize it, Observations of an
environment in order to do this, and Experiences to learn from."

Boss's Notes: "[?] actions [?] observations [x] experience"

Robot: "Then, life is very simple."

Robot: "You set up an infinite loop wherein you repeatedly iterate
through the actions available to you, comparing them with your
experiences and observations, so as to maximize your utility

Robot: "Each cycle of the outer loop, execute the action most expected
to maximize the utility function. Then ---- then --- then --- then

The robots head begins spinning wildly. Steam and flames emerge from its neck.

Robot [head stops spinning]: "Then add the action and the new
observation to -- to -- to -- a blockchain! Be sure to put your
working memory on a public blockchain."

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