Cryptocurrency: Inflation Is Quietly Stripping Us Of Our Private Property Rights

grarpamp grarpamp at
Sun Aug 21 19:13:19 PDT 2022

Inflation Is Quietly Stripping Us Of Our Private Property Rights

I used to scoff at the mention of ‘The Great Reset”, or the idea that
a handful of elites are running the global show behind the scenes.
Needless to say, on the other side of the pandemic, I have warmed up
to the idea in a big way. I can’t help but feel as though some often
talked about conspiracy theories are in the process of unfolding right
before our very eyes, whether via premeditated means or just from
plain old dumbass incompetence from global politicians and Central

As anybody who is harshly critical of the idea of a “Great Reset” will
tell you, one of the key tenets of a post-apocalyptic, Klaus
Schwab-run world is the idea that we will no longer have private
property rights. This comes from a statement that Schwab made,
predicting what life would be like in the year 2030:

“You’ll own nothing” — And “you’ll be happy about it.”

And while today’s lesson is rather elementary, it’s worth noting that
this conspiracy theory not only isn’t too far from the truth, it could
very well be in the midst of taking place right before our eyes.

I had to look no further than my own personal circle to find recent
examples of grown adults who were having difficulty making ends meet
due to rising prices. These people had some money saved up, but still
could not keep up with the price of rent and housing, and ultimately
wound up giving up on having their own place and moving back home with
their parents.

When I was discussing this example on my most recent podcast, I had
the revelation that, as is true with anything economic, this same
situation was playing out millions of times over, with millions of
other Americans, every day. In other words everyone is having the same
problem: they simply can’t afford things anymore and, with inflation
at between 8% and 9%, the value of their savings is collapsing.

In just 3 years, things cost between 15% and 20% more than they did
when many savers were putting away a majority of their money - before
the pandemic. The purchasing power of the dollar is down by about 20%
over the same time.

USD Purchasing Power (5 Years) via

Those who are still working on a wage that isn’t 20% higher than it
was just 3 years ago are losing significant ground. Those who have
stopped working and are either on a fixed income or are living off
savings have been hit even worse (especially if you’re living off a
pension managed by some of the absolute worst managers to ever step
foot in front of a Bloomberg terminal, like this one and this one).

This financial pressure is widely talked about when it comes to people
paring back their discretionary spending. We hear the news talk about
a slowdown in spending all the time when economic times get tougher -
it’s one of the dynamics that creates recession and de-leveraging
cycles. But what happens when it’s the cost of shelter (i.e. rent and
housing) and real estate that are also getting too expensive for
everyday buyers. This is talked about far less, so let’s quickly think
about what it could mean for the future.

Today’s article is free because I believe the content to be too
important to put behind a paywall. If you enjoy this piece, have the
means and want to support my work, I’d be humbled to have you as a
subscriber: Yes, I want 70% off a subsription.

In Klaus Schwab’s future, borrowing the words of Judge Smails, “you’ll
get nothing and like it!”

We are all Spaulding

It’ll be this way because everything will be communal and shared. The
focus will be taken away from private property and private property

Inflation helps this narrative greatly. If you have less purchasing
power to buy discretionary items then, by proxy, you have less private

The scary thing is when this dynamic starts to extrapolate itself over
people’s real estate and land ownership. In other words, a future
where nobody can afford a second set of golf clubs doesn’t seem that
post-apocalyptic, but a future where fewer and fewer people own land
and house, and where the geographical distribution of the world’s
livable area starts to fall into the hands of the richest few and
state backed entities - well, this seems extremely post-apocalyptic.

While I admit this is a bit “fringe” at the moment (hey, it’s what I
do), I now can’t help but think of inflation as a way to help strip
away people’s individual private property rights. When you take away a
person’s private property, private property rights don’t hold the same
meaning to them. Do people that don’t want to own guns care about the
right to own guns? Probably not as much as those who are avid
sportsman or want to own guns for personal protection.

If you haven’t yet, I would encourage you to listen to my most recent
podcast with Andy Schectman, where he lays out the de-dollarization
path we could be on and how the global economic landscape is shifting
before our eyes. In his estimation, everything that needs to be
happening for ‘The Great Reset” to take place on or ahead of schedule
is already happening.

And as I said to him, while I may have laughed at the idea a couple of
years ago, I found myself with my jaw agape by the end of the
interview – because as much as I didn’t want him to, his
post-apocalyptic scenario was making a whole lot of sense.

I know this is somewhat of a basic lesson in economics, but the next
time you hear the Biden administration refer to inflation at 0%
sequentially, despite the fact that it was up more than 8% from the
year prior, take it personally. Remember that every positive CPI print
we see represents the percentage of things you can buy less of with
the same money you had a year prior.

If you could afford 8% more “stuff” last year with the same dollar,
what type of mental gymnastics do you need to perform to convince
yourself that your rights to private property aren’t being whittled
away and taken out from underneath you?

Our freedom versus Schwabism | Meer

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