1984: Thread

grarpamp grarpamp at gmail.com
Sat Aug 20 17:48:35 PDT 2022

The Coming Nightmare of Build Back Better

If there's one thing Politicians consistantly do,
besides lying stealing warring grabbing power,
it's fuck things up...

Something Is Looming Geopolitically, And We Better Start Taking It Seriously


As a result of western governments’ taking collective action under the
auspices of a ‘climate change’ agenda, we are on the cusp of something
happening with ramifications that no one has ever seen before.

Western governments’, specifically western Europe, North America
(U.S-Canada) and Australia/New Zealand, are intentionally trying to
lower economic activity to meet the intentional drop in energy

This is the core consequence of the Build Back Better agenda as
promoted by the World Economic Forum.

Anyone who says there is a reference point to determine both the
short-term and long-term consequences is lying. There is no precedent
for nations’ collectively and intentionally trying to reduce economic

Hiding behind the false justification that current inflation is driven
by too much demand, central banks in Europe, the Bank of England, Bank
of Canada and U.S. federal reserve are raising interest rates.  The
outcome we are currently feeling is an intentional economic
contraction and global recession.

The Build Back Better monetary policy is successfully shrinking
western economic activity; however, the impacted nations that produce
goods for markets in North America and Europe, specifically southeast
Asia, Japan and China, are not raising interest rates in an effort to
try and offset the drop in demand.  China has announced they are
dropping their central bank rates in a desperate effort to lower costs
and keep their export dependent economy working.

Underneath all of this, is a drop in energy production in the same
nations trying to lower economic activity.  The political policymakers
are attempting to manage this process without informing the citizens
of the unspoken goal.   Shortages of oil, coal and natural gas are
self-inflicted problems, all part of the BBB agenda.

Beyond the massive increases in energy costs, which is the true source
of inflation and a direct/intentional outcome of the BBB effort,
Europe is now facing a looming winter without the energy resources to
heat homes and sustain people.  Things are going to be very
uncomfortable in Europe this winter as roaming brownouts are now

As the collective west attempts to, using their words, “manage the
transition,” they do not have mechanisms to control an outcome of this
magnitude.  It is simply too big a situation to manage.  Where the
rubber meets the road, the think-tanks and high-minded climate change
ideologues do not have the ability to manage a transition and still
meet the needs of people.  Beyond the esoteric thinking, there are
real consequences from these actions.

Many people have discussed the potential for longer-term food
shortages and recently, shorter-term winter heating.  However, beyond
that, the downstream geopolitical consequences are seemingly being
ignored.  Instead, what we see is an effort to keep pretending the
climate change ends will justify the means (disruption of energy

In this connected world, when the western nations stop buying things,
we find ourselves domestically with economic trouble.  Businesses
fail, unemployment rises, financial stress ripples throughout the
economy, dependency on government subsidy increases and real pain is
felt.  However, beyond the domestic issues the supplier nations run
into even bigger problems.

Unemployment in Malaysia, Vietnam, South Korea, Japan, Taiwan and even
China, creates an entirely different set of regional stability issues
on a geopolitical level.

There is no precedent for this.  Never before in the history of
industrialized nations has any government intentionally tried to lower
its economic activity.  It has never been done with intent before
because within the contraction nations get more poor, people suffer.

Not only has no single nation ever tried to intentionally shrink its
wealth, but there is no precedent whatsoever for an alliance of
nations to join together with the same purpose. While this might seem
like an academic economic modeling exercise, unfortunately it is very
real.  What I am describing is happening right now, and we had better
start talking about it before the unforeseen consequences start to
become a crisis.

In North America (U.S-Canada), Europe and Australia, there will
continue to be massive increases in food prices as a result of the
collapse in energy production.  Beyond the western nations there will
be food shortages as a result of lowered harvest yields and less
industrial food production.  This is not controversial.

It is also not controversial that regions with harsh winter climates
are going to be paying much more for scarce heating resources.

That being accepted, what happens geopolitically, even militarily,
when the entire global economy starts to feel the impacts from western
nation economic contraction on a scale -created by collective action-
that has never been seen before.

I have no idea what that big picture consequence looks like, but
whatever “that” is, will be happening at the same time as people
everywhere will be more desperate as an outcome of their economic
position.  I don’t have the answers, but I sure as hell can see the
problem coming.

Political leadership in the aforementioned western nations are
seemingly, perhaps intentionally, keeping people distracted with
domestic shiny things to occupy time.  However, someone needs to start
talking about, and seriously challenging, the big picture consequence
of this Build Back Better future, before it’s too late.

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