grarpamp grarpamp at gmail.com
Sat Apr 30 13:59:05 PDT 2022

> https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Observable_universe
> Trillions of stars, trillions of planets,
> life in the universe is statistically likely.
> Having only been around 2-50M years or so,
> you only have about 500M years to get off
> the rock, but you'll likely deplete and kill yourselves
> well within the next 1000. If you make it past
> those, then you might have another 10B out
> among the stars. Govt became obsolete long ago.
> https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Timeline_of_the_far_future
> https://www.statista.com/chart/26707/share-of-us-respondents-belief-in-other-intelligent-life-in-the-galaxy/
> http://www.outerspaceinstitute.ca/outerspacesurvey2022.html
> https://www.statista.com/topics/5049/space-exploration/
> https://www.statista.com/topics/7707/satellite-internet/

> his good points earn brownie points - Starlingk - batteries Neo - Tin Tin type rockets - boring companies.
> But no one should forget for one second how this depraved criminal moron is a threat to us all.
> Once intelligent aliens find out we let him ( and the NASA!  WTF!?) plan to despoil and rape a wilderness planet like Mars they could decide we represent a collective threat.
> Wouldn't you? I would!
> It could earn us an extinction event.

Statistically speaking, if the universe is populated, then extinction
(excluding the always possible self or calamitous) might be the plan
of at least one of them, potentially on resource needs alone, for which
any bleating fleshbags found among the other populations will be of no
consideration, and quite possibly found to be the tasty galactic
equivalent of Chicken McNuggets, sitting ducks as it were.
Thus the only defense being to in fact push to mars and beyond.
Though it would be profoundly sad if you were the ones that had that
plan capability and execution, and there is a certain probability that
you might, a certain history that you do, and a certain liklihood
that that will never change.

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