CIA targeting WikiLeaks, JTRIG style tactics confirmed

Jacob Appelbaum jacob at
Sun Sep 26 05:04:30 PDT 2021


It is interesting to note that the moment that new evidence[0] is
presented to the public that the intelligence services are working
against WikiLeaks, we see posting activity trying to suggest that
Julian Assange is somehow a pro-militarist, pro-intel person. This is
nonsense propaganda that presumes a statement of fact is a statement
of desire or a goal. Rather than discussing that the CIA has been
targeting, harassing, and even discussing kidnapping or assassinations
of Julian and WikiLeaks associates: the same posters promote JTRIG[1]
internal conflict dynamics and this too should be ignored. Whenever
people use JTRIG tactics of division, we should seek to find
commonality in our struggles.

There is more news on the way. Reminds me of better times: "The truth
is coming and it can't be stopped."


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