Low class fool Stefan Claas exposed

Stefan Claas spam.trap.mailing.lists at gmail.com
Mon Oct 25 07:17:00 PDT 2021

Hi, Professor Rat

as you know I like that you work so hard and I also read most of your postings.

Ok, as understood, you are from Australia (5 eyes). I am from Germany
(not 5 eyes).

I give you now a little homework assignment which you can research with friends
in the United Kingdom.

Please research with your friends how many records (double album) Sir Richard
Brandon sold via his Virgin Records of the title: The Great Rock 'n'
Roll Swindle
worldwide. You may add Sid's Single too and Sid's Album.

Then research how many copies of Virgin Records Great Rock 'n' Swindle (Director
Julien Temple) where sold as VHS tapes worldwide and how many Movie Theatres
worldwide showed the Great Rock 'n' Roll Swindle.

The next step, check how many people of the Jewish community worldwide were
threatened by Punks after buying the above items and if protest notes from the
Jewish community or the State of Israel was sent to Mr. Branson and
Julien Temple.

Thanks for reading and hopefully you can post some results.

Best regards

On Mon, Oct 25, 2021 at 3:19 AM professor rat <pro2rat at yahoo.com.au> wrote:
> Stefan sez he's from Germany and was into punk decades ago.
> https://i.pinimg.com/736x/71/6f/a9/716fa9838bce44315b22d17a7a70b773--images-photos-hammer-and-sickle.jpg
> Its clear he also hates Jews with a passion.
> What a fucking moron.

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