DAL Emergency Calls The US State Dept [re: TLSA lookup]

Douglas Lucas dal at riseup.net
Sun Oct 24 22:50:29 PDT 2021

I should clarify, I already know these four things, "25 means SSL" and
"$ dig +short mx state.gov" and "their server is misconfigured" and
"bureaucrats operating on behalf of powerful people make it hard for
rando freelancers to ask them questions."

Simply saying those four things, isn't the slam-dunk tech bros think it

If anybody can usefully provide history/context/implications for TLSA
errors, including the fact that nothing further can really be discerned
technically, if that is such a fact, then go for it. Or as the
Vietnamese anarchist told the US celebrity activist when he asked about
attentats, "go pho it."


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