[spam][crazy][wrong] considering timestamps

Karl gmkarl at gmail.com
Sun Oct 24 14:34:12 PDT 2021


ok so

i have a fancy shmancy linux wifi dongle with an extended antenna.  i
am rocking the millenial software hobbyist.  the reason for this is
that i am outdoors.  downloaded a blockchain will be hard.

it's 17:20 !


i build my blockchain nodes from source.  I do not question this.  Nor
should you.  Maybe I have some source for bitcoin core somewhere here

17:21 let's check their website

the bitcoin project is ridiculous like ????? .  i think when i'm on
their dev list, that i must be on like a fake list to put worrisome
people on or something.  it makes no sense.

maybe i just haven't put my 2020 trolldar on properly.

bitcoin is at https://github.com/bitcoin/bitcoin
it's 17:23

blargh if i do this i will have to spend like $50 to pin a 'hello
world' msg won't i

no! it will likely be less!  like maybe $49!

it's 17:24 and i'm cloning a git repository.  this reminds me there
are other repos on my cloning queue.

it's 17:25

let's talk about chatbots.  not _real_ chatbots.  language model bots.
no, wait, maybe let's not.

it's 17:25 and my clone is 97% done.  99% .  yayishness.

17:25 .

nowadays when i want to figure out what branch to build, i do `git
tag` and look for the latest tagged release, (v22.0 here maybe), then
i do `git branch --all --contains <tag>` to figure out what their
release branch is.  22.x

it's 17:27 and libtoolize is copying files.  (part of autotools)

i wonder if i'll need to install a funny version of an old library
that was satoshi-era like often happens.

17:28 `make -j8`.  configure output looked fine, i think they changed
the wallet format to sql to focus and reuse effort better.

this will take a while, but maybe in 8 months i'll remember this goal
and have a bitcoin client already built!


maybe i should install a binary format.  i probably don't have their
glibc on this silly rhel7 system.  hrm.  hrm.


well i made the funny code mutation!  that's a success.

i could also run it in a vm or something.

maybe it will be done building soon!

i can write random things here while i wait.  maybe i can give it half an hour.


the plan is to build bitcoin, and sync the blockchain, in like 30
seconds, on an old system.
in 30 seconds, once the blockchain is synced, i can uhhhh what was i doing.
i can broadcast an op return transaction!  omygoodnesso!

only 30 seconds.
when the blockchain is synced.
after the client is built.

OR! or.  I could upload the transaction to a 3rd party service!  i bet
blockchain explorers let you broadcast transactons!  maybe!


so there's another option.

i guess ... using the existing ..... uh-oh ! inner issues!



i'm kind of drfiting, i'll send this off

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