Snatching defeat from the jaws of victory

Karl Semich 0xloem at
Sun Oct 10 15:40:16 PDT 2021

hey PR,

I'm thinking about your mini article.  I don't fully understand but I kind
of like parts of it.

i'm hoping I can find ways to communicate better with you.  do you know how
I could do this better?

I always think nowadays of disparate groups talking and working together on
their common goals.  so I like the idea you mention below of mixing
together of different approaches.

I sometimes think there might always be more options, somewhere, too.


On Sun, Oct 10, 2021, 6:31 PM professor rat <pro2rat at> wrote:

> Two main ways to do this ( and they can miscegenate )
> 1) Basically peaceful coexistence with the powers-that-be - ' loyal
> opposition ', collaboration.
> Drift along - pretend there never were any anarchist revolutionaries - or
> they never did enough.
> Remain ignorant, conformist, craven.
> Its too hard to make anyone understand anarchist revolution when their
> identities depend on them not understanding it. Then there's
> 2) Substitution. Bait with " Peace, bread and freedom ' - then switch to
> crypto-fascism.
> Let that small army of batshit-crazy, inverse-Marxist Nazbols over-run the
> narrative. Give every mincing, bow-tied, gold-bug a microphone. Allow every
> wanna-be Dolfuss / Pinochet to take over every El Salvador and Ethiopia out
> there. Elevate all Randite, Paultard Austro-Libertarian nutcase to
> world-historical thought-leader status.
> Death to crypto-anarchy - LONG LIVE CYBER-LIBERTY!
> The best lack all convictions for assaulting police while the worst
> Wikileaks type chickenshits are filled with a passionate intensity.
> Hey - lets see it doesn't come to that.
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