USA 2020 Elections: Thread

grarpamp grarpamp at
Fri Mar 26 00:36:10 PDT 2021
A few weeks ago, I saw the above quote in Jeff Thomas’ article
Learning from Ants, and it has been reverberating in my mind ever
since. It is a perfect analogy for what has been happening in this
country for years, with the jar lately being shaken at a rate faster
than a Biden vote count increase at 3:00 am in a swing state. Everyone
in this country, and the world, is at each other’s throats. Who is
shaking the jar? Why are they shaking the jar? Why do they want us
fighting each other?
If they keep us focused on fighting each other, they believe we will
not notice their reprehensible criminality, as they manipulate the
masses through psychological engineering and the employment of
propaganda techniques to push their desired narrative.
In Part 2 of this article, I will detail the extraordinary efforts by
those in power to cover-up the ultimately fatal levels of debt
endangering the American Empire, by creating trillions more in debt,
and pondering what happens next on our road to perdition.

Let Them Eat Woke
by Simon Black via Sovereign Man

On October 6, 1789, a group of French peasants surrounded the country
estate of King Louis XVI of France and demanded that he and his family
relocate to Paris.

The people were sick and tired of the king living the luxurious palace
lifestyle at their expense. And, fearing what might happen if he
refused, Louis consented to their demand.

The French Revolution was already well underway at that point, sparked
in large part by people’s disgust with their out-of-touch aristocracy.

France had been rendered bankrupt by the late 1700s; decades of costly
foreign wars, coupled with endless extravagances by the nobility, had
completely depleted the treasury.

The government’s solutions alternated between pretending their
financial problems didn’t exist, to raising taxes at every possible

The nobles hardly noticed. They lived lavishly while passing on the
inflation and tax increases to the peasants.

French aristocrats were either completely clueless, or didn’t care one
bit, that their policies were ruining people’s lives.

The Queen, Marie Antoinette, is rumored to have summed up this
attitude when she said “Let them eat cake”, in response to hearing how
countless peasants were starving.

Most likely that story is just urban legend. However there is plenty
of historical evidence that she cared far more about her hair and
royal gardens than any plight of the French people.

Her lavish spending was so famous, in fact, that the French used to
refer to her as “Madam Déficit”.

And yet— the king, the queen, the nobles— they were the elites. They
knew best, and they were in charge of making decisions for everyone

You know the rest of the story: the royal couple eventually paid for
their conceit with their heads. But that didn’t solve France’s

Soon a wave of radicals took over and formed a new elite (which became
known as the Reign of Terror). And just like the old elite, they knew
best, and they were in charge of making decisions for everyone else.

This new elite encouraged the population to rat each other out for
petty crimes. They printed stupifying quantities of paper money and
engineered hyperinflation across the country.

France’s revolutionary history is an incredible example of what
happens when a tiny, out of touch group of elites manages to seize
power and set the priorities for an entire nation.

We’re experiencing a version of this today in the West.

Prominent media personalities, politicians, tech companies, and
self-absorbed social media celebrities, have appointed themselves our
cultural nobility and seized the power to dictate just about
everything, from how tax dollars are spent, to the words that we’re
allowed to say, to how our children are to be educated.

It’s astonishing how quickly it happened, and how much has changed.

For example, it wasn’t that long ago that the entire purpose of the US
military was to fight and win wars… and to be the most lethal fighting
force in the history of the world.

But today our new elites have changed the priorities. So now instead
of the latest weaponry and unit readiness, senior military leaders
brag about maternity flight suits, or reducing physical fitness
standards in order to be more inclusive.

Twenty years ago the military was about shock and awe. Today the
priority has become diversity and inclusion.

Here’s another example: once upon a time, politicians at least paid
lip service to fiscal responsibility.

In fact there were numerous government shutdowns and debt ceiling
crises in the United States, i.e. political battles to prevent
excessive spending, as recently as 2011, 2013, 2018, and 2019.

Today, the new elites have changed the priorities. They tell us that
the debt doesn’t matter, and the government can spend as much as it

And with every new massive spending bill, they’re emboldened to spend
even more money. It’s been two weeks since the $1.9 trillion ‘Covid’
bill was passed, and they’re already planning a $3 trillion
‘infrastructure’ bill.

Basic fiscal responsibility is simply no longer a priority.

Then there’s education, which used to be about—you know—EDUCATION.

But now that the new elites have taken control, teachers have kids
praying to Aztec gods of human sacrifice in order to expunge their

Critical Race Theory abounds in schools to teach children they are
either victims or oppressors. And the new elite tells us that grading
students based on getting the right answer in math class is White

Then there’s the media— a once-trusted source of news and information.

Today, under the new elites, the priority is no longer truth. It’s
about force-feeding the narrative they want you to believe, whether
about Covid, race, politics, climate change, or anything else.

For example, when a deranged lunatic went on a rampage and killed
eight people last week in Atlanta, six of whom were Asian, the media
immediately reported that the shooting was due to White supremacy.

Yet the FBI said there was no evidence to suggest a racial motivation,
and even the killer himself stated that he was motivated by his sex

But the media kept pounding the White Supremacy story anyhow.

Yahoo News immediately told its audience in a reprinted article
entitled “Whiteness is a Pandemic” that

    Whiteness is a public health crisis. It shortens life
expectancies, it pollutes air, it constricts equilibrium, it
devastates forests, it melts ice caps, it sparks (and funds) wars, it
flattens dialects, it infests consciousnesses, and it kills people. .

Naturally this is considered to be perfectly acceptable content, and
not racist in any way.

In 18th century France, people were starving, but the elites who ruled
them were so out of touch that the prevailing attitude was, let them
eat cake!

Today there’s a new elite that makes all the rules. They’ve completely
corrupted western civilization. They are fanatics who embrace Marxism,
violence, racism, and censorship.

And like the French elites before them, they’re completely out of
touch with how much they’re destroying the country and people’s lives.
Let them eat woke!

US Democracy is a Façade: There Are No Effective Constraints on Elites’ Behavior

by Ben Bartee via The Daily Bell

“Do you remember ’36, we went our separate ways
You fought for Stalin, I fought for freedom

You believe in authority, I believe in myself
I’m a molotov cocktail, you’re Dom Perignon”

-Against Me

How did the cat get so fat?

When I was a public schoolboy, bright-eyed, we sang the anthem every day.

I believed there was some entity, some unseen guardian angel, that
made the literal and figurative trains run on time. I really believed
there was some incorruptible backstop to prevent the bottom from
falling out.

It’s taken years of watching upper-crust decadence and depravity – in
the vein of Caligula — to realize the truth: there is no bottom to the
barrel. The elites just do what they want and if they decide they want
to hurt you, either through malice or indifference or graft, they

This is when “defenders of democracy” – increasingly, from the
ostensible, self-positioned “left” — will jump in with the
well-trodden refrain: “We choose our leaders to represent us – we have
a choice!”

You have no meaningful choice. As George Carlin, patron saint of
calling out neoliberal bullshit, RIP, put it:

“Americans are led to feel free through the exercise of meaningless
choices. There are only two political parties. There is a reduction of
the number of media companies. Banking has been reduced to only a
handful of banks. Oil companies. These are important, and you’re given
very little choice…. You know what your freedom of choice in America
is? Paper or plastic.”

High society is “a big club – and you ain’t in it.”

Alas, if only such a bleak outlook were just one man’s opinion.
Princeton Review performed an extensive quantitative, rigorously
data-driven study to determine the essential, answer to the empirical
question: does what you and your family want matter when it comes to

“When a majority of citizens disagrees with economic elites and/or
with organised interests, they generally lose. Moreover, because of
the strong status quo bias built into the US political system, even
when fairly large majorities of Americans favour policy change, they
generally do not get it… average citizens and mass-based interest
groups have little or no independent influence [over US policy].”

–Princeton study, 2014

Bureaucratic palace intrigues aside, the reality is indeed so. The
petty managers in each party are permitted to squabble over the
trivial but their leash is short. The ruling class allows them leeway
only to the extent that they never violate the golden rule: the
servicing of power.

In 2021 in the US, the primary role of national-level elected leaders
is to service power for the crumbs the ruling classes drops from the
table. Other professions operate on the same model.

Nancy Pelosi, Slay Queen and aspiring ‘Pretty Woman’ – always eager to
please her ruling-class masters.

The truth diverges from the Mr. Smith Goes to Washington model of
self-governance that we (victims of public education) are
indoctrinated to accept as an immutable principle of American nature.

The government lays it on thick in its “Civics Test” for immigrants
seeking citizenship:

“In the United States, the government gets its power to govern from
the people. We have a government of the people, by the people, and for
the people. Citizens in the United States shape their government and
its policies, so they must learn about important public issues and get
involved in their communities.”

Some people – even moral, decent ones — believe this tripe, even at
this late date. Reflexive parroting of the company line is the
end-product of public school indoctrination, the war on consciousness
waged against our psyches, neurotoxic chemicals in the water and food,
and an endless discharge of propaganda via the corporate press.

The ruling class maintains its perverted mythology to – in the words
of Chris Hedges in his seminal essay Democracy in America Is a Useful
Fiction – buttress the subservience of the subjugated masses through
careful propagandization intended to lure the target (you and your
family) into a false sense of agency:

“The fiction of democracy remains useful, not only for corporations,
but for our bankrupt liberal class. If the fiction is seriously
challenged, liberals will be forced to consider actual resistance,
which will be neither pleasant nor easy. As long as a democratic
facade exists, liberals can engage in an empty moral posturing that
requires little sacrifice or commitment.”

How apropos.

The vestige of authority that the ruling class maintains is a façade
predicated on the submission of the subjects it presides over;
compliance implies consent.

The oligarchs have no contingency that could overcome an iron
resistance in a large enough swathe of the population – and, likely,
the size of that insurgent swathe may not need be very immense. The
exact figures vary, but roughly only 1/3 of the 18th-century American
colonists actively challenged the tyrannical British Empire’s claims
on the North American continent.

No institutional norms are likely to constrain the march to despotism
currently underway. As long as they control the military and police,
kinetic warfare will not succeed. If ongoing trends of tech censorship
continue, organizing resistance is a tall order.

The only solution is mass-scale grassroots refusal. Reform is a
foregone possibility. The only viable solution is a total global reset
– just not the type envisioned by the technocrats at the World
Economic Forum.

When it’s practical, refuse dehumanizing mask mandates. Take every
traffic ticket you get to trial (your Constitutional right to due
process). Make your oppression as expensive and burdensome as possible
to your masters. Throw monkey wrenches in the machinery. Break
unlawful curfews and quarantines.

In short, do not comply (DNC). Kill your masters.

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