USA 2020 Elections: Thread

grarpamp grarpamp at
Wed Jun 23 02:43:24 PDT 2021

US and RU Media reveal deep dissatisfaction over how summit went, in
contrast to both the Russian and US sides admitting "friendly" and
amicable interaction.
Certainly the fact that Putin himself is now hailing the "friendly"
dialogue means continued salt on the MSM wound.

What If The Mainstream Media Had Told The Truth?
Five MSM Lies for Which Trump Has Been Vindicated, and the Damage They Caused
Remember that time when the mainstream media lied about former
President Donald J. Trump, only to have Trump proven correct

“Can you be more specific,” you ask?

Good point.

There are so many to mention, we need to be more precise, so let’s
narrow the list down to five, and let’s consider the true impact of
their dishonesty.

While the media may have been successful in sustaining political
damage against Trump, the Republican Party, and the conservative
movement – which was their ultimate goal, no doubt – they also caused
significant collateral damage, either unwittingly or uncaringly.

1. The Russia Hoax

For those of us on the political right, it’s easy to forget the
magnitude of this farce. We were bombarded with nonsense every day, we
agonized over the ridiculousness of it all, and many of us have tried
to put this circus behind us. The loser of the 2016 presidential
election Hillary Clinton, along with her Democrat apologists, pushed
on this narrative from the beginning. Trump was an illegitimate
president due to his collusion with Russia leading up to the election,
they said, an infraction so malicious he may have actually been guilty
of treason and deserving of the death penalty. There have been
instances of political malice between parties in our nation’s past,
but never one quite like this.

What made this charade so absurd was the media’s complicity in it.
This wasn’t just a situation of the media tilting a storyline and
inserting opinions into supposed news articles, they actively hyped
the story ad nauseum and actively participated in the misinformation.
“The walls are closing in on Trump,” they told us. “We have another
bombshell regarding President Trump and Russia,” they promised. It was
all a lie, as the Mueller Report clearly proved.

For almost three years, our government was virtually gridlocked with
its attention focused squarely on a fairytale.

So, what if the media had told us the truth from the beginning with Russia?

    As the media was hyping the hoax, the divisiveness it brought
along still lingers. We must conclude that the country would be far
less divided had they been honest, and the value of that possibility
cannot be overstated. Our current national discord is awful, and the
media is largely to blame.

    Considering the actual direction the country was headed in back in
2018, there would’ve been a good chance that Republicans would have
kept control of Congress, but even if they hadn’t, our Federal
Government would have likely been much more productive without this
sideshow, and items like President Biden’s recently unveiled
Infrastructure Plan could have been moot.

    It’s amazing how productive Trump’s Administration was with
efforts such as his foreign policy initiatives despite the
distractions of the Russia Hoax, and we can only speculate how much
more effective they could have been if they hadn’t had to focus
resources on defending Trump with Russia. Instead of only four Israeli
treaties, we could have seen double digits, and the situations in
North Korea and Iran could have been much better as well.

2. Hydroxychloroquine

Last year at this time it was verboten to even bring up the name of
the drug and doing so was enough to get you booted off Twitter or
Facebook. President Trump frequently touted hydroxychloroquine’s
efficacy in battling COVID, and it was that advocacy which sent the
media into conniptions on the subject. If Trump supports the drug, it
must be bad. Last week, over a year after most Americans became
familiar with the medication, a new study out of New Jersey, the
hardest hit state by COVID, shows that if used in conjunction with a
regimen of zinc, hydroxychloroquine can give COVID patients upwards of
a 200% better survival rate against COVID. Hydroxychloroquine is
indeed a miracle drug.

With modern news cycles, our attention spans are merely fractions of
what they once were, but we must remember the context with which the
attacks on Trump and hydroxychloroquine were being made. The media was
whipping up everyone into a full-blown panic with COVID. “It’s highly
infectious to the point you can’t go to church or walk around the
park. If you get it bad enough to be sent to the hospital, you’re
probably going to die. And there’s no cure; we’re doomed.” Meanwhile
Trump was right all along, and this treatment was available the whole

So, what if the media had told us the truth from the beginning with

    Patients who died having refused the drug because of the media’s
lies need not have perished. How many thousands of patients died
because of the media’s deceit? We’ll never know.

    Doctors who refrained from administering the drug based on the
treachery of so-called experts and the menaces in the media had
patients die for no reason other than politics. Again, how many
thousands of Americans died because of their fraudulence? We’ll never

    For many patients who survived severe cases of COVID, they will
carry the long-term effects of the virus around with them for the rest
of their lives. Severe, long-lasting damage to both the lungs and
hearts of severe COVID patients is common, and it’s likely many of
those folks must now endure shortened life expectancies as a result.
There were undoubtedly scores of them, particularly at the beginning
of the pandemic, who could have been treated with hydroxychloroquine
but weren’t. If the media had told the truth, many of those patients
would now be living normal lives.

3. St. John’s Church and Lafayette Square

In addition to hydroxychloroquine’s effectiveness, we also became
aware last week via a report from the Interior Department’s Inspector
General that the actions by Park Police near Lafayette Square and St.
John’s Church in Washington D.C. last June were not due to directives
by President Trump in order to provide him with a “photo op,” as the
media originally asserted. We were told that peaceful protesters were
gathered near the recently burned church and the cops came and shot
rubber bullets and tear gas at them just so Trump could have his
picture taken in front of the church holding a bible.

Again, the left and their media engaged in a blatant lie, and this
incident was used by the media to paint Trump as an authoritarian who
used force to shut down political opponents. He’s a fascist who
dispatched his goons on innocent protesters, they said, when in
reality the clearing of the square had been planned two days before
the church was set aflame, and the White House had nothing to do with
that decision.

So, what if the media had told us the truth from the beginning with
St. John’s Church?

    It is the totality of all the media’s lies that is politically
problematic, and such is the case with this incident. It was the
repeated attacks on Trump as being unhinged and fascistic. As Mark
Twain said, “A lie can travel halfway around the world before the
truth puts on its shoes.” Millions of Americans undoubtedly continue
to believe this invention because they were too ignorant to question
its validity, and that ignorance continues. If the media had been
honest, this absurdity would have gone nowhere.

    There were a lot of factors that impacted the election, and we
don’t need to discuss election fraud here, but there were
unquestionably voters who were affected by this untruth, and it’s
certainly possible that this lie could have been a difference maker.

    The St. John’s Church story wasn’t limited to American
consumption. This fabrication was reported around the world, and we
can bet that Europeans, Australians, Asians, and everyone else who
read it came away with a sickening feeling about our great country.
And we can also bet most of them are unaware of last week’s report
from the Inspector General. Our country’s reputation was once again
damaged by a media that cares more about their political agenda than
they do about accuracy.

4. Hunter Biden

Everyone knew Hunter Biden was a cad, and we also had a pretty good
idea that he was on-the-take with foreign actors, particularly in
Ukraine. President Trump knew it as well, made no secret of his
thoughts, and got impeached for an unprecedented second time for his
efforts. The media, meanwhile, pooh-poohed the whole story for as long
as the could, which just happened to be until after the election in
early-December when the validity of the story became clear.

During an appearance on 60 Minutes with Leslie Stahl in late-October,
President Trump pointed to the younger Biden and correctly observed
that Joe Biden was embroiled in a scandal over his son Hunter, but
Stahl was defiant, insisting “He’s not. He’s not.” Oh Leslie, he is.
He is.

So, what if the media had told us the truth from the beginning with
the Hunter Biden Scandal?

    This scandal was obvious going back to the Democratic primaries.
If the media had reported accurately on it from the beginning, and
Biden had been held to account for his possible illegal associations
with his son’s business partners, there’s a good chance Biden never
would have been nominated and another Democrat would have ran against

    As with the other gaslighting the media has participated in, the
cumulative effect of the lies on the electorate can’t be overstated,
and the credibility for those telling the truth, most of whom work at
conservative media outlets, would likely enjoy more trust from many
Americans who turned them off as a result.

    Hunter Biden’s shenanigans weren’t just potentially criminal, they
quite possibly could have jeopardized national security. The
investigations into whatever it is he did are no doubt continuing, but
if the media had done their jobs, we would likely already be aware of
the whole story.

5. Wuhan Lab was the origin of COVID

The media is now trying to act surprised and put forth the façade that
their misreporting on COVID’s origins was just an honest mistake. It
wasn’t. The likelihood that COVID originated in China’s Wuhan
Laboratory of Virology was clear from the beginning, but again, since
Trump and former Secretary of State Mike Pompeo were beating this
drum, they had to take the opposite position. But now that Biden has
been elected and his administration is well under way, it is becoming
increasing clear that COVID did indeed originate at the Wuhan lab, and
was almost definitely manmade.  And once again, it is obvious that the
media lied to us.

So, what if the media had told us the truth from the beginning with
the origins of COVID?

    Of all the items on this list, this may be the most egregious.
China is an imposing threat to America: militarily, economically, and
diplomatically. China absolutely must be held accountable, and if they
are not, the more likely we will have a similar pandemic in the
future. If the media had been forthright, steps could have already
been taken to ensure it never happens again.

    If the media had been honest about the beginnings of COVID,
Presidents Trump and/or Biden could have already been drumming up
support for sanctions against China, and the wheels could have been in
motion for the global community to hold China’s feet to the fire.

    If the media had shown actual journalistic curiosity with this
story, from the beginning of its origins, it’s quite possible the
trajectory of the virus’ spread could have been much different. If,
for instance, the media had called out the World Health Organization’s
malpractice and unholy allegiance to China, more stringent steps could
have been taken worldwide to limit travel from China in January and
February 2020.


The damage caused by the media’s fraudulence is far reaching and
undeniable. But perhaps the most significant harm they have caused has
been to their own credibility. The press has long been referred to as
‘The Fourth Branch of Government,’ and for good reason. A thriving
democracy must have a vibrant and trustworthy press. While the
Judicial, Legislative, and Executive branches strive to hold each
other accountable, the media should be there to shed light on those
checks and balances by informing the citizenry.

We need a believable and reliable press, but we don’t have one. And
unless we get one soon, problems such as those we’ve examined will not
only persist, they’ll worsen.

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