My blog post on FOIAs, executive function, Alan Turing, avoiding propaganda

Cari Machet carimachet at
Wed Jun 16 14:13:58 PDT 2021

Let’s discuss your plan(s) and the execution(s) of your plan(s)

Tell us wise one

I am not being sarcastic I am actually wondering

On Wed, Jun 16, 2021 at 11:31 AM Punk-BatSoup-Stasi 2.0 <punks at>

> > your appeal to other foxes guarding the same general henhouse may be
> unlikely to succeed,
> > Once the appeals process fails, you then file a lawsuit, asking the
> judicial branch (basic separation-of-powers bullshit) to step in and
> overrule the executive branch or legislative branch agency you’re
> contending with. Because this process can take years and be expensive if
> lawyers are required, it prevents a lot of important information from being
> released and entering the news cycle.
>         So you, like anybody else with half a brain, know that the system
> is a scam.
>         To make the self-parody even more hilarious, the useless stuff the
> govt 'releases' is in turn 90% censored!!! Maybe when you get your 'pdf'
> all covered in black, you can fill a ... what? LMAO!
>         So now let's look at the people(i.e. you) who use this govt
> 'service'.  What journos like you are doing is wasting time begging your
> masters/accomplices for bits of PROPAGANDA to publish. You're publishing US
> govt propaganda while playing the govt game of pretending that your idiotic
> bullshit entails 'freedom of information'
>         What you are actually working for of course, is freedom FROM
> information.
>         bottom line Dougles, you're a good, loyal, govcorp boy. (as
> clearly proven also by your previous, revolting radical feminazi vomits).
> --
cari machet
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