[spam][crazy] bomb malware

Karl gmkarl at gmail.com
Tue Dec 14 04:45:12 PST 2021

Here's where the entrypoint hands off control.  It pushes function
addresses and registers.

It's rare for function addresses to be passed to other functions in
mainstream code.

In gdb, we can see what values all these parameters and registers have.

        0804816c 50              PUSH       param_1
        0804816d 54              PUSH       ESP=>local_8
        0804816e 52              PUSH       param_2
        0804816f 68 d6 db        PUSH       FUN_0804dbd6
                 04 08
        08048174 68 94 80        PUSH       FUN_08048094
                 04 08
        08048179 51              PUSH       ECX
        0804817a 56              PUSH       ESI
        0804817b 68 40 a5        PUSH       FUN_0804a540
                 04 08
        08048180 e8 ba 50        CALL       FUN_0804d23f
                      int FUN_0804d23f(undefined * par
                 00 00

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