[spam][crazy] bomb malware

Karl gmkarl at gmail.com
Tue Dec 14 04:35:36 PST 2021

here i've repeatedly typed 'ni' to move it to the function call that
initiates the mysterious behavior of the malware.  you don't have to
type 'ni' over and over again, gdb will assume you meant to type the
same thing again if you just hit 'enter'.

here, we don't want to type 'ni'.  we'll type 'si' instead: 'step
instruction'.  this makes sure it gently steps into the function call,
without puking out the entire thing waiting to get to the instruction
following it, which is unlikely to be what would happen.

┌─Register group: general──────────────────────────────────────────────┐
│eax            0x0                 0
││ecx            0xffffc944          -14012
│edx            0x0                 0                                  │
│ebx            0x0                 0
││esp            0xffffc920          0xffffc920
 ││ebp            0x0                 0x0
  ││esi            0x1                 1
│edi            0x0                 0                                  │
│eip            0x8048180           0x8048180                          │
│eflags         0x282               [ SF IF ]
││cs             0x23                35
 ││ss             0x2b                43
│ds             0x2b                43                                 │
│    0x804817b       push   $0x804a540
││  > 0x8048180       call   0x804d23f
│    0x8048185       hlt                                               │
│    0x8048186       nop
││    0x8048187       nop
 ││    0x8048188       nop
  ││    0x8048189       nop
│    0x804818a       nop                                               │
│    0x804818b       nop                                               │
│    0x804818c       nop
││    0x804818d       nop
│    0x804818e       nop                                               │
│    0x804818f       nop                                               │
process 28422 In:                            L??   PC: 0x8048180
0x0804816c in ?? ()
(gdb) ni
0x0804816d in ?? ()
(gdb) ni
0x0804816e in ?? ()
(gdb) ni
0x0804816f in ?? ()
(gdb) ni
0x08048174 in ?? ()
(gdb) ni
0x08048179 in ?? ()
(gdb) ni
0x0804817a in ?? ()
(gdb) ni
0x0804817b in ?? ()
(gdb) ni
0x08048180 in ?? ()
[0] <h  19:bash  20:vim  21:gdb* Battery 100% | Tue 2021-12-14 07:33 -05

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