[spam][crazy] bomb malware

Karl gmkarl at gmail.com
Tue Dec 14 04:32:36 PST 2021

here it is skinny enough to see
i don't usually use these views but they're fastest to find people
reminding you of the commands to enable online ('layout asm', 'layout

up at the top are the registers of the process.  the 'working memory'.
they're lowercase now, instead of uppercase.

then the next chunk has the disassembly of the function.
i have a breakpoint (B+) on the first instruction
and the cpu is about to execute the second

at the bottom i typed 'ni' (next instruction) to move it to that
second instruction.

┌─Register group: general──────────────────────────────────────────────┐
│eax            0x0                 0                                  │
│ecx            0x0                 0                                  │
│edx            0x0                 0                                  │
│ebx            0x0                 0                                  │
│esp            0xffffc940          0xffffc940                         │
│ebp            0x0                 0x0                                │
│esi            0x0                 0                                  │
│edi            0x0                 0                                  │
│eip            0x8048166           0x8048166                          │
│eflags         0x246               [ PF ZF IF ]                       │
│cs             0x23                35                                 │
│ss             0x2b                43                                 │
│ds             0x2b                43                                 │
│B+  0x8048164       xor    %ebp,%ebp                                  │
│  > 0x8048166       pop    %esi                                       │
│    0x8048167       mov    %esp,%ecx                                  │
│    0x8048169       and    $0xfffffff0,%esp                           │
│    0x804816c       push   %eax                                       │
│    0x804816d       push   %esp                                       │
│    0x804816e       push   %edx                                       │
│    0x804816f       push   $0x804dbd6                                 │
│    0x8048174       push   $0x8048094                                 │
│    0x8048179       push   %ecx                                       │
│    0x804817a       push   %esi                                       │
│    0x804817b       push   $0x804a540                                 │
│    0x8048180       call   0x804d23f                                  │
native process 28422 In:                            L??   PC: 0x8048166
(gdb) layout regs
(gdb) ni
0x08048166 in ?? ()

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