[spam][crazy] bomb malware

Karl gmkarl at gmail.com
Tue Dec 14 04:00:37 PST 2021

// dereference the pointer and move the discovered value into EDX.
// ghidra here is reminding us that PTR_DAT_0804e024 in EAX points to
// and if one of those values is renamed in the interface, it will
update the name everywhere
        080480e0 8b 10           MOV        EDX,dword ptr [EAX]=>DAT_0804e00c

// comparing a value with itself tests whether it is zero or not
        080480e2 85 d2           TEST       EDX,EDX

// if the pointed to value is nonzero, goto 080480d1
        080480e4 75 eb           JNZ        LAB_080480d1

// reset the active pointer (eax) to zero
        080480e6 b8 00 00        MOV        EAX,0x0
                 00 00

// this looks like a compilation quirk, and i'll include the two lines together
// since eax is always zero, this is always a jump to 080480ff, right?
// it's the cryptic termination of the while loop, right?
        080480eb 85 c0           TEST       EAX,EAX
        080480ed 74 10           JZ         LAB_080480ff
// i'm not experienced with disassembling malware.  it's possible some
code jumps to 080480eb that ghidra hasn't detected, or maybe this is
some compilation norm.

// this code looks like the end of a function, but presently it would
never be executed, due to the jump above
        080480ef 83 ec 0c        SUB        ESP,0xc
        080480f2 68 08 df        PUSH       0x804df08
                 04 08
// this instruction makes no sense to me: calling 0x00000000 as a
function.  this would immediately segfault an application.  maybe it
is there for that purpose?  maybe it is there to be replaced later?
        080480f7 e8 04 7f        CALL       SUB_00000000
                 fb f7
        080480fc 83 c4 10        ADD        ESP,0x10

// here's where normal execution would resume, the end of the while
loop.  it sets the flag to 1 (true).
      XREF[1]:     080480ed(j)
        080480ff c6 05 80        MOV        byte ptr
[BOOL_0804e080],0x1                     = ??
                 e0 04 08 01
// and returns.
      XREF[1]:     080480cf(j)
        08048106 c9              LEAVE
        08048107 c3              RET

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