Use google device tracking data to find bear killer

Punk-BatSoup-Stasi 2.0 punks at
Sun Dec 12 12:22:31 PST 2021

On Sun, 12 Dec 2021 14:16:03 -0500
Karl <gmkarl at> wrote:

> i went back to this a little bit.
> jim bell was abused by surveillance-by-government.

	And now he's a government surveillance propagandist. 

> it would be silly to think he supported it.

	he supports it NOW. 

> i vaguely recall he may have invented the concept of sousveillance,
> where a surveillance subject records abuse by surveillance, possibly
> to prove it happened.
> it seems like you are lying here?

	It seems you can't tell apart past and present? Or else yes, YOU are flatly lying, which is pretty dumb, because like I said, the evidence of bell's support for government surveillance is clear. 

	The garbage he just spammed about poor oppressed bears is the latest example. 

	His constant starlink vomits are just another example.

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