Coronavirus: Thread

grarpamp grarpamp at
Thu Dec 2 00:30:46 PST 2021

More Forced Vax Thugs Popping Up...

Jim Cramer Demands Biden Impose Military-Enforced Vaccine Mandate For
All Americans

CNBC's Jim Cramer has drawn quite a bit of attention to himself by
demanding in a rant on his show "Mad Money" that President Biden
impose a vaccine mandate, something that leaders in Europe are already

Cramer's plea comes just days after the administration revealed it
would extend the deadline for federal workers to get the jab as to
prevent the federal bureaucracy from grinding to a screeching halt.

While Cramer devoted much of the show to discussing the financial
impact of omicron and how investors might benefit, he closed with what
Mediate described as an "impassioned rant".

His proposal: "The federal government needs to require vaccines,
including booster shots, for everyone in America by, say, January

Cramer continued: "it’s time to admit that our government has lost the
ability, or the will, to make our people do the right thing. Nobody
wants to be the bad guy, so we’ve allowed a pastiche of uncoordinated
health organizations to dictate an on-again-off-again series of
measures that mostly just leave us baffled and confused."

He closed by slamming "anti-vaxxers" and the Biden Administration,
while comparing COVID to polio and insisting that the military be
brought in to "enforce" the new mandate.

    We haven’t centralized the issue to the point where the White
House actually seems to take responsibility. We’d see. First was the
CDC, then the FDA, the National Institutes of Health, mostly
coordinating policy through talk shows. Then we left vaccination
policy to individual companies. Now it’s toothless OSHA going back and
forth on what’s allowed in factories, but nobody with any power saying
the frontline workers need to be vaccinated. It’s just plain wrong,
and most of us are sick of it.

    Even as a vocal, anti-vax minority is always grabbing the mic,
this charade must end. The government must require vaccinations. Not
of this group or that group, not company by company, in a cruise ship
by cruise ship, or airline by airline or governor by governor. The
buck stops at the White House.

He also slammed Biden's OSHA mandate as "toothless", pointing to the
fact that thousands of federal workers are still employed right now as
evidence to back up his claim.

    CNBC host Jim Cramer goes on psychotic rant calling for universal
vaccine mandate, enforced by the military
    — Jewish Deplorable (@TrumpJew2) November 30, 2021

As @Rose_Of_Dawn concluded so succinctly:

    I don’t understand how this position could even be supported
considering vaccines:

        Don’t prevent you from catching Covid

        Don’t stop you from spreading Covid

    I can only conclude it’s an excuse for authoritarianism.

For regular CNBC viewers, Cramer's position shouldn't come as a
surprise. The host has long bemoaned the impact of COVID on his other
business, a Mexican restaurant and bar he owns in Brooklyn.

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