DEET for shitcoins

Karl Semich 0xloem at
Wed Aug 25 17:27:39 PDT 2021

On Wed, Aug 25, 2021, 7:50 PM professor rat <pro2rat at> wrote:

> Are you interested in crypto markets?
> That’s what we’ve ( AUGUR ) been wondering for the last few weeks. Talking
> to a bunch of you, it’s looking like a YES although the why is not quite
> clear to us.
> When there are literally hundreds of exchanges that let you speculate not
> only on cryptocurrencies but also derivatives, why would you want an
> explicit prediction market to the same end.
> But you said you did! And so by popular demand, we are pleased to announce
> that crypto markets are under testing as of now. We expect for them to go
> live over the next few days.

This if funny.  I'm guessing it's a quote.

Maybe they can flatten the chaos of those markets somehow.

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