Sending encrypted payload with a dumb phone as MMS

Stefan Claas spam.trap.mailing.lists at
Sat Aug 14 12:03:33 PDT 2021

Hi all,

here is a little proposal, some of you may like.

Let's assume Alice travels a lot and she wants to send Bob
encrypted MMS messages, instead of regular email.

First she writes her message, on an offline usage Notebook,
and then pads it to a large size, so that she always has the
same message size.

Once done, she encrypts the message(s) with her favorite
encryption tool and then she runs it through this program:

Additionally she can use a steganographic tool to hide the
noise image into another image.

Finally she plugs in her dumb phone, with a USB port,
to her offline usage only Notebook and copies  the image to
the phone and inserts the image into her MMS message.

P.S. The advantage of this procedure should be that Alice's
dumb phone is more protected against Government Trojans
for smartphones, with a crypto messenger.

Hope you like!


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