Cryptocurrency: Costs of Fiat are Unsustainable Not Crypto, VZ Bitcoin Satellite, CloudFlare

grarpamp grarpamp at
Sat Sep 26 20:40:37 PDT 2020

On 9/26/20, Stefan Claas <sac at> wrote:

It's also uplifting to see the speed that some of the
crypto food, charity, and monetary networks are able to
help provide options and solutions to troubled regions.
The libertarian sort of nature of cryptocurrency will
continue making larger impacts as time goes on.

And thanks to for not using CloudFlare
to block Tor users from reading their site. Too many
crypto news aggregators and crypto services sites seem
perhaps not aware of what their CloudFlare settings
are doing in that regard.
That's the whole point with satellite, privacy coins,
etc... to route around silly censorship blocking.
If people like, send them some satoshi for
bandwidth, and get them setup with their own .onion / .i2p.

> I must say congrats to Venezuela for the idea to
> communicate via a satellite in space,
> when Internet connectivity sucks.

Yes, the leading distributed permissionless uncensorable
privacy cryptos are all making cool progress in Venezuela,
and in satcom and other comms, as posted in various fora...

> While I must admit that I am no longer a fan of crypto
> currencies (huge global energy resources waste IMHO)

And what analysis are people basing that on?

It is clear that people are forgetting to add up ALL of the
global resources wasted on supporting Fiat Currencies.

That is an understandable oversight given that all of the
major media and fraudulent anti-crypto "research" reporting
on "energy resource waste"... (their analysis is funded by
obsolete Banks Governments Corporations all dependant
on each other to exist in Fiat)... typically only adds up the
mining costs, and fails to do a comparison to Fiat at all,
let alone a high quality honest comparison that strives
to include...

ALL of the...
Electricity used by paper bill printing and coin stamping
machines globally. All their shredders and smelters and
mining and tree sawing and paper making chemical
processes deforestation, the distribution channels, and
gasoline, diesel, coal, oil, lubrication, maintenance.
Pollution costs, lung cancer costs, physical waste costs.
Safe storage and transport costs for "money". Printing
employee costs, wasted closed market government
dictated health care costs. Cash register, security cam,
alarm systems electricity. And all that and *much* more
is just for physicality of producing and handling with it.
Then they did also forget to add up ALL the Bank
building costs, maintenance, daily commute costs,
wear on and pollution from their tires. The cost fees
they steal from you to "hold" your money and move it
around for you, 2 and 20 management, and the costs
to get it back when they censor and lock your flow. All
their computers on their desks, all their lights, all the
electricity and chems used to process their feces that
flow down their toilet sewers before it hits the river, oopsie.
They forgot ALL the existence of Government "laws"
around money... all the "law" editors, publishers,
glitzy marble government buildings, $170k/year salary
that Government "representatives" steal from you to
waste hours debating Fiat on their floors, and dabbling
in politically immune corruption. Cost of all the Fiat Bank
lobbyists, their air travel, and so much more.
Cost of prisons and loss of all your assets and property
for using it to buy and sell harmless plants, or to exchange
cryptocurrencies with each other without a "license".
Then add up the entirely Government "leader" initiated
WARS over monetary trade imbalances, to take out other
"leaders" and easy centralized Fiat targets. Their epic
initiations of murderous immoral force to steal more
resources and trap up people to fund the "growth" needed
to offset the crippling debt inherent with how Fiat is
created by Central Banks and Govt without imploding.

Go ahead... add it all up, ALL OF IT, all that wasted
energy in the entire Global System of Fiat that is
rapidly becoming obsolete by cryptocurrency.

Fiat currency is so wasteful that it makes even a world
based only on Gold and Silver, sans Govt involvement,
look resource cheap in comparison to Fiat's all-in costs.

Nor do people realize that in the long term, cryptocurrency
can, does, and will run on little more, relatively speaking
in comparison, than sand (silicon) and solar power.
In fact, solar's free clean renewable input will be among
few competitive ways remaining, with wind, and nuclear
a bit more.

And without Government in the way propping up energy
legacies, and with open markets and self and other unsystem
schooling options, uncensored peer to peer comms around
the world, allowing people to see through GovCorp secrets
and lies, and make new enlightened choices for their own
Earth environment... crypto continues to look very good.

Anyone trying to step to cryptocurrency talking the typical
dishonest limited scope "energy waste" weaksauce will
get destroyed by even armchair estimates of all-in costs.

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