Globalism: MINDSPACE - From 9/11 to The Great Reset Matrix

grarpamp grarpamp at
Fri Sep 11 14:35:45 PDT 2020

Something’s gotta give. And then, out of the blue, it did.

A drive by design towards ironclad concentration of power and
geoeconomic diktats was first conceptualized – under the deceptive
cover of “sustainable development” – already in 2015 at the UN (here
it is, in detail).

Now, this new operating system – or technocratic digital dystopia – is
finally being codified, packaged and “sold” since mid summer via a
lavish, concerted propaganda campaign.

The whole Planet Lockdown hysteria that elevated Covid-19 to
post-modern Black Plague proportions has been consistently debunked,
for instance here and here, drawing from the highly respected,
original Cambridge source.

The de facto controlled demolition of large swathes of the global
economy allowed corporate and vulture capitalism, world wide, to rake
untold profits out of the destruction of collapsed businesses.

And all that proceeded with widespread public acceptance – an
astonishing process of voluntary servitude.

None of it is accidental. As an example, over ten years ago, even
before setting up a – privatized – Behavioral Insights Team, the
British government was very much interested in “influencing” behavior,
in collaboration with the London School of Economics and Imperial

The end result was the MINDSPACE report. That was all about behavioral
science influencing policymaking and most of all, imposing
neo-Orwellian population control.

MINDSPACE, crucially, featured close collaboration between Imperial
College and the Santa Monica-based RAND corporation. Translation: the
authors of the absurdly flawed computer models that fed the Planet
Lockdown paranoia working in conjunction with the top Pentagon-linked
think tank.

And that is more than enough to beautifully set up “the cure”: The Great Reset.
The beating heart

The Great Reset was officially launched in early June by the World
Economic Forum (WEF) – the natural habitat of Davos Man. Its
conceptual base is something the WEF describes as Strategic
Intelligence Platform: “a dynamic system of contextual intelligence
that enables users to trace relationships and interdependencies
between issues, supporting more informed decision-making”.

The Great Reset is immensely ambitious, spanning over 50 fields of
knowledge and practice. It interconnects everything from economy
recovery recommendations to “sustainable business models”, from
restoration of the environment to the redesign of social contracts.

The beating heart of this matrix is – what else – the Strategic
Intelligence Platform, encompassing, literally, everything:
“sustainable development”, “global governance”, capital markets,
climate change, biodiversity, human rights, gender parity, LGBTI,
systemic racism, international trade and investment, the – wobbly –
future of the travel and tourism industries, food, air pollution,
digital identity, blockchain, 5G, robotics, artificial intelligence

The Great Reset presupposes that all stakeholders – as in the whole
planet – must toe the line. Otherwise, as Schwab stresses, we will
have “more polarization, nationalism, racism, increased social unrest
and conflicts”.

In the end, only an all-in-one Plan A applies for making these systems
interact seamlessly: the Great Reset – shorthand for a New World Order
that has always been glowingly evoked, but never implemented. There is
no Plan B.

Whether Covid-19’s ultimate “window of opportunity” presented itself
as a mere coincidence or by design, will always remain a very juicy

Already three months ago, Schwab’s book hinted that the more everyone
is mired in the global paralysis, the more it’s clear that things will
never be allowed (italics mine) to return to what we considered

What has been imposed as an ironclad consensus is that without a
Covid-19 vaccine there’s no possibility of anything resembling

What matters above all is the “window of opportunity” offered by
Covid-19, boosting, among other issues, the expansion of what I
previously described as Digital Neo-Feudalism – or Algorithm gobbling
up Politics. No wonder politico-economic institutions from the WTO to
the EU as well as the Trilateral Commission are already investing in
“rejuvenation” processes, code for even more concentration of power.


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