The Paedophile Prince, not -- Re: Democrat 'demon rat' woman attacks another child over MAGA sign on pushbike - [PEACE] [AND] [POLITICS]

John Young jya at
Sun Sep 6 08:01:37 PDT 2020

Appeal of pedophilia, or any sexual predation, is that it is 
forbidden, by custom, law, religion, belief, psychopathology.

Doesn't matter what the rationale or preventative regulation 
stipulates, so long as it is banned that makes the violation alluring.

If it is okay to do whatever is banned, appeal disappears. The normal 
is a turnoff, so its got to dressed in cosmetics, costume, behavior, 
edict, law, shame, risk, daring, locker room talk, braggardy, you 
know, the stuff marketed by the sex trade, religion, espionage, charm 
school, higher education, vulgarity trainers, prosecutors, lawyers, 
judges, wives and husbands, parents and children being prepared to be 
lasciviously appealing adults.

Stigmatizing porn and masturbation has just about disappeared by 
overflowing marketplaces and behavior sanctioning professions. The 
LBQT dot dot dot is expanding almost as fast as global election 
meddling and lurid entertainment, all lagging and emulating official 
and commercial and religious spying and reporting upsetting information.

War slaughter is the top sexual predation, every human a potential 
actor and victim. Once addicted to massive bloodletting not much can 
compete, although masturbation througn simulations in carnage-rich 
games is racing to outdo the unpleasantly real. Shortly games wizards 
will drive the actual standoff homicides. To be sure, games wizards 
do not expect to be beaten to pulp by more capable punks.

Place your bets on whether CIC Mr. T makes it to November in one 
piece, unfucked.

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