public blackmale in plain sight - #PrayForFiddy - Chelsea Handler (white) explains to 50 Cent that he's Black - USA 2020 Elections: Thread

Zenaan Harkness zen at
Mon Oct 26 23:55:19 PDT 2020



On 19 October 2020, 50 Cent aka Fiddy, spat the dummy at Joe Biden's 62%
tax rate plan for wealthy Americans, which has NO exemption for African
American rappers named "Fiddy":

   The KNICKS never win anyway. 🤷🏽<200d>♂️I don’t care Trump doesn’t
   like black people 62% are you out of ya fucking mind. 😤
        — 50cent (@50cent) October 19, 2020

On 24 October 2020, tasked with handling Fiddy and the certain fallout
of some of his millions of fans (many/most black) switching their vote
from Biden to Trump, 45 year old Chelsea Handler, an ex girlfriend of
Fiddy's, absolutely emasculated him, in a very public way:

   On Friday’s #FallonTonight, @50cent’s ex-girlfriend,
   @ChelseaHandler, scolded him: “I had to remind him that he was a
   black person, so he can’t vote for Donald Trump.” If he denounces
   Trump, “I might be willing to go for another spin, if you know
   what I’m talking about”
      — Brent Baker (@BrentHBaker) October 24, 2020

There is no self-respecting man in this world that would accept such a
public humiliation, on principle, except that he is compromised.

Just for piece of 45yo skankasaurus rect?  Please!

So, a poll for the blackmailluminati:

A) Fiddy's Handler, the 45yo skankasaurus rect otherwise known as
   Chelsea Handler, really is the sweetest pussy in this world and she
   knows it, and she also knows that Fiddy is willing to be utterly and
   publicly humiliated for the priviledge to "go for another spin".

B) Chelsea "Skankasaurus Rect" Handler knows something that she and
   Fiddy know, and the rest of us don't, and her words to fiddy "go for
   another spin, IF YOU KNOW WHAT I’M TALKING ABOUT" have a double
   meaning: for the privilege of being made a rap king, Fiddy's handler
   may have had the role to offer some pussy so sweet that it was
   statutorily illegal - say 16 years old and found in an uptown NewYork
   mansion under cameras at 9 East 71st Street under a painting of Bill
   Clinton in a blue satin dress <ahem>.

C) Don't be ridiculous, Fiddy's not that disgusting, he'd never touch
   anything over 14 unless it has the name Natalie Biden.

What -is- amazing is how brazen this handler is in handling Fiddy so
publicly, so brutally and in such a racist way ("I had to remind him
he's black").

I guess when you are used to having things your way, and the system of
blackmail within which you have lived for decades continues to serve you
well, that you just don't imagine things could change...

Let's #PrayForFiddy - one wonders what would happen if he instead chose
to put his handler in her place, equally publicly and reclaimed his
manhood rather than sulk in humiliation, a coward - if he has the dirt
on others, perhaps an immunity deal could be in the cards, if he does
not, and remains cowering, this will be the last we hear of it.

If he reclaims his manhood, and Chelsea drops the dirt on Fiddy, then
surely she can be done for blackmail?  If someone else ... same?

Evil only thrives in darkness.

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